Chapter 14: Schooled

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The next day, Peter was woken up by a knock at his bedroom door. He opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling for a moment as he registered that he was awake. Then, a few seconds after that, he heard a knock again, causing him to lift his head and look at the door.

He immediately jumped out of bed and rushed over to open it. When he did, he expected Starfire or Cyborg telling him he had slept in. However, when he pushed the button to open his door, he found the hallway empty in front of him. He immediately raised a brow in confusion and took a step forward to look down the hall. Then he heard the crumbling of paper under his foot and looked down to notice a note.

He smiled curiously to himself as he reached down to pick it up.

All it said was, 'Meet me on the roof.'

The note warmed his heart like no other.

It didn't say who it was from, but it didn't have to. He would have recognized Raven's handwriting anywhere. He couldn't help but wonder what it was about. After the kiss they had the previous night, he kept asking himself what she might have been thinking about.

He quickly got dressed as fast as he could and went straight up to the roof. He didn't even bother to go to the kitchen for coffee, nor the bathroom, nor to check in with the others. Perhaps he was still a bit too sleepy, but he knew he was just eager to see her again.

As he walked through the door to the roof, he shielded his eyes as the morning sunrise blinded him for a moment. As his eyes adjusted, he could see Raven floating near the edge of the roof in a meditative stance.

His heart fluttered as he saw her and he slowly approached her side as quietly as he could, before sitting down beside her, copying her stance.

Without looking, she seemed to know he was there, despite his quietness.

"Hey." She said with a slight smile, keeping her eyes closed for a moment, before peeking at him a bit. "You made it."

Peter smiled softly at that and nodded. "Yeah. Is everything okay?"

She let out a slight smile, keeping her eyes closed. "Yes, everything's fine." She assured with an amused smile. "Do I need a reason to summon Spider-Man?" She teased.

He chuckled softly at that. "You?" He scoffed, then shook his head. "Definitely not."

Raven smiled a bit more at that. "I just thought I'd invite you for morning meditation is all." She said, blushing a bit, then casually waved her hands, levitating a cup around her body over to him. "Coffee and all."

His eyes lit up at that with an excited gasp as he accepted the cup. "Woah! Raven to the rescue." He said sleepily.

Raven chuckled softly in amusement, letting herself gently out of the air as he took a sip.

"Figured you could use a little help." She shrugged nonchalantly.

Peter shrugged at that. "Only a little." He chuckled softly. "Thank you."

"No problem." She waved it off. "Couldn't have you passing out on me."

Peter snickered at that. "Passing out on you?"

She nodded. "Yep."

Peter nodded at that, humming to himself for a moment. "Yeah, I guess you're right. You ARE a great pillow."

She looked right at him at that, her cheeks a bit pink as she tried fighting the smile that formed. Ultimately, the smile won and she gave an amused shake of the head.

"Well, right now I need you awake." She replied.

Peter grinned a bit more at that, leaning a bit closer to her. "Oh you NEED me awake?"

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