Chapter 23: Back To Gotham

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Peter stood beside Cyborg at the computer inside the crime lab of Titans tower. The footage of Tim's fight with the mysterious intruder replayed on the monitor over and over again, with both of them carefully studying every move the stranger made.

"Dude's got skills." Cyborg nodded, before chuckling as he saw Robin launch his opponent into the air with one strike. "Haha! Evidently not enough, though. Damn!"

"It might be more than we thought." He said, pointing to the screen. "See how he cut the web in midair?"

"Yeah." Cyborg nodded.

"Most people can't move like that in midair." Peter pointed out. "And most blades CAN'T cut my webs like that." He pointed out.

Cyborg nodded at that. "So he knows what toys to use."

"I'M just wondering how he didn't get spotted by ANYBODY at all in the tower."

"Hell, I don't know." Cyborg shrugged nonchalantly, turning in his chair to face Peter. "I was asleep." He explained, then peered suspiciously at Peter. "What were YOU doing? Weren't you JUST out with Tim?"

Peter's eyes widened at that and he looked away awkwardly, "Uh..." he cleared his throat. "Nothing..."

"Ah no. No dodging this question." Cyborg argued with a shake of the head. "Your trainee got attacked on your watch, so it better be a good reason."

Peter sighed, then looked back to make sure they were alone, then leaned in closer to Cyborg.

"...I was having sex, okay?" Peter whispered under his breath in case anybody was passing outside the room.

Cyborg paused at that and his eyes widened in surprise as he quietly nodded at him for a few moments.

"...Bhahahaha!" Cyborg laughed, slapping his knee a few times as he laughed hysterically. "So... so what you're saying is..." he said, pausing to laugh a bit more. "Is that you LITERALLY got caught with your pants down?"

Peter face palmed at that, deadpanning at his teammate, before letting out a sigh. "Yeah... I guess I did."

"Hahaha! I'm surprised that girl dismissed you as quick as she did." Cyborg teased.

Peter raised an eyebrow with an amused smirk. "How do you know SHE'S in charge?"

The robotic titan deadpanned at that. "...Really bro?"

Peter chuckled at that and threw his hands up. "Alright alright. You got me there." He replied, before turning back to the footage.

"Face it, man." Cyborg chuckled teasingly. "You LOVE it when she tells you what to do."

"Guilty..." Peter shrugged, causing both of them to laugh for a few moments.  "Uh. ANYWAY..." he continued, turning his teammates attention back to the screen. "You get anything in the harbor databases?"

Cyborg shook his head at that. "Nah, nothing around here. I was gonna extend the search, but it seems like this dude covered his tracks pretty good."

"I'll say." Peter nodded. "Able to sneak over here, set an explosive, AND escape without a trace? You don't just DO that. This guy's been trained and trained WELL."

"You think he's a shadow?" Cyborg asked.

Peter hummed in thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "Maybe, maybe not. He SAID nobody sent him, but-"

"-Maybe he's lying." Cyborg shrugged.

"Thats always a possibility." Peter nodded. "But from what I can tell, whoever it is seems to have it out for TIM especially."

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