Chapter 6: Owner of My Heart

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It was already the break of dawn when the Titans jet arrived in Jump city. Peter could see the vibrant sunset on the horizon that he had grown so fond of. With Cyborg at the wheel, they flew into the hangar, before all of the young heroes started piling out one by one, with bags slung over their shoulders

Robin whistled with an impressed look as he looked around.

"Wow. This place is a lot bigger than it looks." He breathed out.

"I knkw, right?" Wally grinned.

As Peter got out of the jet, he couldn't help but notice the pale clammy appearance of the boy wonder. He looked almost green.

"Yo... Tim." Peter nudged him. "You feeling alright?"

Robin looked back at him with a surprised look, rubbing his head with a lightheaded look.

"Yeah. Just... tired, I think." He yawned.

"I shall show you all to your rooms." Starfire said, motioning them to follow her. "I'm sure the rest of you are tired as well."

"I thought you'd never ask." Wally yawned, preparing to run. "I call my old room!"

The speedster, then sprinted ahead of them up the stairs and lut of sight.

"Its like we were here only yesterday." Cyborg sighed jokingly.

Peter grinned in amusement. "Cyborg. I WAS here yesterday."

"Yeah, I know." The robotic titan laughed, before going ahead of them up the stairs.

Peter and Superboy walked at the back of the group. The clone hadn't said much since they left Cadmus, and Peter could only imagine what might have been going through his head.

"You okay, big guy?" Peter asked, as he took his mask off.

Superboy raised a brow as he saw Peter's face, staring at him in silence for a moment. Then, the clone continued ahead.

"Just thought you'd be older under there." The clone shrugged.

Peter deadpanned at that with a sigh. "Yeah... I get that a lot."

They all followed Starfire upstairs, until they reached the main floor of the tower. Once they entered, Cyborg turned the lights on, illuminating the futuristic halls and rooms.

The sidekicks all looked around at their surroundings as they continued Following Starfire down the hall until they came to a left hand turn, showing some of the rooms shead of them on both sides.

"You can pick which one you want." Starfire said kindly. "We'll brief you all when you wake."

"You guys not sleeping?" Robin asked.

Peter, Starfire, and Cyborg looked at each other with disappointed groans. They knew they still had an important task to complete before the Justice League would even sign off on the team. They needed one more member to rejoin the team. So neither of them could sleep until that one was completed.

"We can't." Cyborg deadpanned. "Still got some work to take care of on our end."

"Yikes. I'd hate to be you guys." Wally laughed, nudging Peter's side.

"Yeah, rub it in, why don't you?" Peter replied as the Speedster zipped away in a flash.

Robin and Aqualad started down the hallway, whole Peter, Starfire, and Cyborg turned to Superboy. He stood there, his arms folded, and it was clear he wasn't exactly comfortable.

Starfire smiled at the clone.

"If you need anything, we will be down the hall." She said.

Superboy looked back at them, surprised at their hospitality.

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