Chapter 9: Chasing Shadows

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Tim and Peter sat in a diner in the city, next to the window. Both of them dressed in normal clothes with no masks, which made the third Robin a little nearvous as he was still getting used to his powers. He looked down at the burger he had ordered with nervous hesitation. Then he looked across the table to see Peter tearing into his like a rabid animal.

"Oh man. I know pineapple doesn't go on Pizza." He said, taking another bite. "But it fucking SLAPS on a burger. Oh man, so delicious." He said with his mouth full.

Tim raised a brow with an amused and slightly off-put grin. Then looked back down at his food, taking a deep breath. He remembered Superboy's advice to him, and nodded to himself, before carefully picking up his food. He let out a sigh of relief as he did so successfully.

"The burger lives." Peter chuckled with an encouraging nod. "Nice."

"Thank god." Tim groaned as he started eating. Then after a moment, he looked back at Peter withba curious look. "So... what do you think I should be expecting? You know... now that I'm a... spider person."

Peter shrugged nonchalantly at that as he finished his burger and immediately went to the fried.

"Ah, you know. Whatever you're comfortable with, really." He replied. "Admitting what you can handle and what you can't is a big part of it, I think."

Tim raised a brow at that. "It is?" He replied. "But what about great responsibility? Isn't that a part of being Spider-Man?"

Peter looked off at that with a pensive gaze for a moment. Tim obviously knew what the suit stood for, but he didn't seem to know how far that could go.

How bad it could get.

As Peter thought about it, he realized he didn't want that for Tim.

"I know." Peter nodded. "That doesn't mean you shouldn't lean on your support system." He replied. "Carry what you can carry. And don't be afraid to ask for help."

Tim nodded at that. "Maybe Bruce should take your advice."

"Well he's a billionaire." Peter chuckled jokingly. "He'll always find a way to carry more." He shrugged.

Tim laughed at that and nodded. "Hah! Yeah, that's true."

The two of them were silent for a few more moments as they kept eating. Peter looked off out the window, staring into space in deep thought. Having a chance to spend some downtime in the city was something he had been craving ever since he had gotten back. The more he got to look at the sunsoaked city, the more he thought of Raven. Every time he saw a palm tree, he remembered their long walks, heartfelt talks. Her ever rare smile reappearing in his mind over and over again, making his heart flutter.

"You really think I'll still be able to be on the team?" Tim asked with a nervous gaze.

Peter's attention snapped back to the Boy Wonder, then scoffed. "Oh yeah." He shrugged. "You aren't exactly the first Titan who couldn't control their powers."

"Really?" He replied.

Peter nodded at that. "Yeah, its normal. The others won't hold it against you."

Tim sighed with relief at that. "That makes me feel a bit better." He nodded. "Honestly, I'm relieved we have Starfire and Cyborg. The League might not have been as understanding."

"Just overly cautious." He shrugged jokingly. "They were the same with me. The same with Raven. The same with a lot of people, to be honest."

"Raven?" Tim replied with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah..." peter replied, almost swooning as he thought abiut her again. Then shook his head, regaining his senses. "I mean, yeah... You know, the other girl."

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