Chapter 21: Young Hearts Be Free Tonight (18+)

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A/N: Content WARNING, yep, its one of THOSE chapters. For those of you who don't mind the dirty stuff, enjoy. 😉

For those who DO mind, then I'll see you in the next chapter.

Raven returned home from her afternoon classes early one day. After a week of classes going on later than usual, she was relieved to have some extra time today.  Upon teleporting back to her room, she tossed her bag of books onto her desk table. After that, she went down the hall for a shower, taking the time to soak in the relaxing free time to herself. All the while, thinking to herself about what she wanted to do this day. After putting on some fresh clothes, she poked her head inside Peter's room, only to find the room dark and empty.

"Hmm." She hummed to herself, continuing to the living room.

There she found the five youngest Titans sitting along the couch, taking turns playing video games, with Wally and Artemis currently playing against each other.

"Dude!" Tim exclaimed with an amused laugh. "She's totally kicking your ass."

Wally grumbled with frustration as he competitively tapped the buttons. "Shut up, let me concentrate."

"This is kinda fun." Artemis teased. "Can't believe I've never played before. Am I doing this right?" She asked sarcastically.

Wally sighed as he was defeated again. "Don't rub it in."

"You gave it your best shot." Kaldur patted him on the back with an amused laugh as Wally passed him the controller.

"I got winner." Superboy said plainly, his arms folded as he sat at the end of the couch.

Just then, Raven walked in the room, scanning the room for a split second, only to notice that Peter wasn't here either. She quietly crossed the room towards the kitchen to start the water for a quick pot of tea.

"Hey, Raven." Megan waved, causing the dark titan to pause and look at her with a raised eyebrow.

Raven glanced at the martian girl, who got a bit shy as soon as she made eye contact. "Yeah?"

"Uh... I just wanted to day... you were pretty cool the other day." Megan shrugged. "My telepathic abilities can't reach NEARLY as far as you did."

Raven was caught off guard by the compliment, but nodded with a slight smile. "Oh, uh. Thanks."

"What did you do to that cyclopse guy anyway?" Tim asked curiously. "Dude looked rough." He chuckled.

Raven shrugged at that as she heard her water start to boil. "Mm, nothing too crazy. Took out the helmet, throw him around a bit."

Tim laughed at that. "A bit? That looked like it took you like no effort."

"Close to none." She retorted flatly as she pored her water into her tea cup and started steeping it. After that, she stepped out of the kitchen and looked at the younger members. "You guys seen Peter?"

Tim shrugged at that. "Not for a few hours."

"I think I saw him laying in the grass outside." Artemis said wkth a confused grin. "Not sure WHY. I wasn't really sure how to ask."

Raven raised an eyebrow at that and couldn't help but give an amused smile at the thought of him doing that.

With an amused shake of the head she started towards the elevator.

"Thanks." She nodded to Artemis as she passed.

"No problem." Artemis replied, before pumping her fists into the air victoriously. "Boom! Winner again!"

Spider-Man: Lost and Found (18+)Where stories live. Discover now