Chapter 11: Star Crossed

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In the days following the team's first mission, Peter, Raven, Starfire, and Cyborg found the younger heroes getting along a little better. Though they still had their drawback, there was clearly felt a stronger sense of trust amongst them. While they still had a long way to go as a team, they at least talked to each other and TRIED to form a plan, even if they couldn't always agree.

Still, it was a step in the right direction.

With over a week having passed since the team was formed, he was still getting used to it all. Not just being with his friends again, but being around other people in general. Getting to hold conversations and laugh with his people again felt exhilarating.

Then there was Raven...

Though she was gone for about six or seven hours per day for classes, when she was at the Tower, it was an almost otherworldly experience. Whenever he saw her and felt her gaze on him, his heart would leap with joy, and for a moment he would feel the urge to throw himself at her as if not even a day had passed with them apart.

Though, that wasn't true of course, and upon realizing that, Peter would be forced to retreat.

Unbreakable as their connection often felt, it was obvious to him that it did need to be rekindled. He had no idea how her feelings had changed. Who she had seen since he had been gone, if any at all. How much pain and heartache she may have gone through because of his dissappearance. All he could do was imagine.

The only reassurance he got was from the fact that she was there. When she saw him, her eyes would often linger for a moment. Her smile reintroduced into his life, nourishing his fluttering heart with every gaze.

All he had was trust.

Then, one day, the tension between them turned to friction. The day started rather strange, however, with Peter waking up to an unfamiliar setting.

A very dark setting.

He quickly sat up and looked around, noticing him to be wearing his suit. Around him he could see a dark jungle at night in all directions. The only source of light, came from several floodlights attached to the building he sat on top of. He looked around in confusion, noticing the building to be some sort of warehouse in the middle of a jungle.

After a few seconds, he began to hear talking from below. Slowly, he crept to the edge of the roof and looked down to spy on the scene. When he looked, he was surprised to see his team standing below facing off against a group of men in red robed. Then, suddenly, he heard a great roaring from behind the men.

He looked and could see a hulking monster that looked strikingly similar to Cadmus's Blockbuster creature, only with ginger red hair on its head, its muscles tearing through its flesh in some areas. Acting quickly, Peter webbed one of the trees as the creature charged at the Titans.

With a powerful kick, he tried knocking the creature off balance, only for him to get grabbed by the torso and pinned to the ground. The monster roared ferociously, raising its fist above its head. Peter struggled to move, but was unable to move. His eyes widened and he looked up as the monster slammed its fist down on him.

Then in the blink of an eye, his vision changed, and he looked up at his bedroom ceiling at the tower. He panted as he lied there, drenched in sweat, as he pictured the dream in his head.

It felt like before.

So vivid, it almost felt like it was really happening.

He remembered how after his last dream like this, he found out Tim Drake had spider powers, then shortly after that, they had a run in by their mysterious attacker, whom Peter had lovingly named, Creepy-stalker-guy on the Titans computer.

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