Chapter 26: Bat Family Drama

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Peter, Raven, and Tim all looked at Kate in shock when they heard what she had revealed to them. Suddenly, even less about the Red Hood made sense. The only thing that did was the Red Hood's skill and versatility. Though, they never would have suspected this despite all that they had been through.

"Wait, what do you mean it was Jason?" Tim replied, looking to Raven in confusion. "I thought you said the OTHER body in the vision was him."

"No, I said it was dressed like Robin." She corrected. "Honestly, a bad imitation at that."

"Wait, I don't understand." Peter spoke up, getting Kate's attention. "Why are we just finding out about this NOW? Why didn't you tell anyone?"

Kate shook her head stressful at that. "I-I don't know. He- he-"

"What happened?" Raven interrupted in a calming tone.

Kate took a deep breath at that snd looked back at her. "After I got him out of there, the first place I was gonna take him was the hospital." She sighed. "Honestly, he looked like he needed it."

"I could imagine." Peter nodded.

"So then what happened?" Tim asked, curiously.

Kate sighed, still a bit distracted. "Uhm... I was taking him to the hospital... when he tells me to stop." She explained. "He said he wanted to go to Arkham, because he thought Batman would be there... and he WAS."

Peter and the other two Titans shared confused looks for a moment, then looked back at her.

"Did he say anything to him?" Raven asked.

"No." Kate shook her head, deep in thought. "He just stood there and... watched as they wheeled the Joker in... then... he said..." she said, trailing off.

"He said, what?" Raven pressed.

Kate shook her head, and Raven could feel the guilt Kate felt from whatever had happened.

"He just... thanked me." She shrugged with a sigh. "He said talking to Bruce about it was for HIM to do and HIM alone... and... I kinda sympathized with that." She explained with a shake of the head. "So when he made me promise not to say anything..."

"You agreed." Peter nodded with a surprised look.

Kate nodded quietly at that, looking away with a shameful look. "I just didn't know that he never went back. Why wouldn't he go back?"

Peter, Raven, and Tim looked at each other in shock for a moment. Each of them under what this meant. That the person who had attacked Tim was actually Jason Todd. Which made this more than just a hunt for another criminal. This was now a mission to try and save Jason from himself.

After a moment of silence, Raven looked back to Kate, noticing the guilt emanating from her. She gave an empathetic stare for a moment, before gently taking her friend's hand, causing Kate to look back with surprise.

"We don't blame you." Raven assured her.

Kate seemed surprised by that. "You don't?"

"No." Peter shook his head.

"Bad stuff like that... its usually not our place to talk about unless they want us to." Raven explained, then shrugged. "Just this time unfortunately, it backfired." Kate nodded at that, then looked back up as Raven moved her hands to her shoulders with a reassuring smile. "If it was ME... I probably would've done the same thing."

"Yeah... honestly, probably me too." Peter admitted with a sigh.

"YOU probably would've known what he was thinking." Kate joked with a soft chuckle as her.

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