Chapter 12: Drop Zone

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The next day, the team was briefed on the plan for the mission ahead. Aqualad would airdrop in off the coast and disable their security measures. Then the rest of the team would air drop in. Cyborg and Starfire would fly the Titans Jet overhead in camoflage mode to give them a better areal view. Their ultimate goal was to gather information, but they knew they had to be ready for anything, so they would stay in the sky as backup. Peter and Raven would go in with the others and offer assistance.

By the afternoon, half the team took off in the sky in the Titans jet, while the others flew in Megan's bioship. The two aircrafts flew side by side high above the clouds for several hours, and by the time they neared their destination, the sun was going down.

"We're getting close." Cybor said over their communicators. "Team two in position."

"Copy, lowering altitude." Megan replied, before slowly bringing her ship downward until they glided only a few feet off the surface of the ocean, with the island slowly appearing in the distance. "Aqualad. You're up."

The Atlantian gave a determined nod, before standing up from his seat, standing in the center of the ship. Then after a few seconds, Megan pressed a button that opened a circular hole in the floor, dropping him into the ocean as they maintained their speed. As soon as he hit the water, Kaldur took off like a torpedo, destroying several underwater mines as he passed by, before emerging on the shore. Wally and Robin stood up to prepare for their jump, with the speedster pressing a button on his chest to turn his yellow outfit a dark grey.

"I'm digging the new stealth suits." He said, turning to Megan with a flirtatious grin. "What do you think? Do I look good?"

The Martian gave an amused smile. "Very impressive."

"You sure you don't wanna try yours on?" Robin asked, looking over to Superboy.

The clone shook his head at that. "No capes... no tights. No offense." He said, folding his arms with a slight smirk.

"It totally works for you." Megan said, practically swooning. The clone raised a confused eyebrow and looked over at her, causing her to look away bashfully. "Uh. In that you... can totally do good work." Though that didn't seem to help the awkwardness, so she put her hood up and looked away in embarrassment, turning herself invisible.

"Team two, y'all in position?" Cyborg asked.

Megan looked up as they passed over the beach and soon over the trees.

"Affirmative." She replied. "Dropping in now."

They all gave each other a quick nod, before one by one theyball dropped out of the hole in the floor. The first one to land was Wally, followed by Robin, then Megan flew down to meet them.

"Wait, where's Superboy?" Robin asked.

Then they all looked up as a shadow started to appear over their heads. Their eyes widened and they all dove out of the way as Superboy came crashing down to the earth, leaving a small crater in the ground.

"The mission's supposed to be COVERT." Tim hissed.

"I like my way better." Superboy smirked.

Megan quickly reached for her ear piece. "Aqualad, Cyborg, drop B is a go."

Peter and Raven sat in the Titans jet and looked to each other with a nod. Then, a white aura enveloped her body and she disappeared from her seat. Then Peter reached for his earpiece.

"Head for the factory." Peter said. "Aqualad and I will track your location."

After that, Peter unbuckled his seat.

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