Chapter 10: When There's Trouble...

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It had been a week since the five young heroes started their training. Capable as they were of following a plan, they still seemed to gravely suffer without supervision. As Tim got used to his new abilities, he found himself falling back into his role with a new edge. His newfound agility, and his strength under control, he was able to utilize his knowledge to even greater effect than before. Though, his experience as Robin was also what was holding him back, causing him to act on his own without the use of his teammates, which often ended badly in training. Wally and the Superboy had a similar issue, with Aqualad did his best to form cohesive plans with his fellow teammates.

Starfire and the other senior members could see this right away, and knew that fixing this issue was something that having them bond as a team could mend. Which meant that all they could do was keep trying, until they became more of a team amongst themselves. It was a daunting task for sure; Starfire and Cyborg weren't used to having to lead training this much. In the past, that was typically Nightwing's gift as a natural leader. Though, his absence on the team was something that was felt in every training session.

This was just as much of a learning experience for them as it was for the former sidekicks.

Peter did his best to give advice as much as he could. What little advice he could think of, the team generally took to heart. All except Superboy, who often became frustrated from it. Though, Peter could tell that the clone was more frustrated with himself than anyone else.

Likely due to trying to hold himself to Superman's image.

By the end of the first week, though they still had a long way to go, the team quickly became more eager to do more with their time.

One morning, while the senior members were in the crime lab, on a video call with Batman, the younger members entered the room. They stood at the back of the room, listening eagerly as the older members briefed the Bat on the team's progress.

"That being said," Starfire began with a beaming smile. "I do believe the team is progressing on schedule."

"Good." Batman nodded, then looked to Peter. "How is Robin fairing?"

Peter glanced up, surprised that the Bat was checking up on his sidekick. It was the first time he had asked since he was informed.

"Oh, he's good." Peter waved it off. "Catching on like a real spider." He joked with his thumbs up, causing Tim to crack a proud smile.

"That's good news." The Bat replied.

"So do we get a mission, yet?" Wally blurted out eagerly. The others all deadpanned at him in silence for a moment, and Wally merely shrugged. "What?"

"I believe a little more training as a team is best... for now." The Bat replied.

"We've been training for a week." Wally argued.

"We're ready to prove ourselves." Aqualad added, his arms folded.

"You will be tested... soon enough." The Bat replied, his eyes narrowed at the young heroes. "Until then... continue building your bond as a team. Batman out."

Wally sighed at that. "Great. I guess, explore the tower it is."

"I understand your eagerness to prove yourselves." Starfire began. "Batman is simply being cautious."

"As usual." Tim sighed as the young heroes left the crime lab one by one.

Peter and the others shared a look for a moment as they heard them walking down the hall.

"They're teating us like children." They heard Aqualad say.

"Worse." Wally replied. "They're teating us like sidekicks."

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