Chapter 15: No One Like You (18+)

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*takes deep breath. Exhales*

Here we go!:::::

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Here we go!

The following days felt more like they used to for Peter and Raven. Apart from her being gone during the day on weekdays, it was a delightfully familiar territory for them. They had made the decision to try dating again, and with it came even more hours spent in each others company. Sometimes Peter would help her with her papers for school, other times they would read or meditate together, but more than anything they spent their time talking.

Not about anything in particular.

Just finding any random subject or curiosity that came to mind, like two kids desperately trying to find a reason not to leave a candy store. Both of them soaking in each others voices like they were both starved.

She would tell him about her new control over her powers as well as emotions, and how her practice had payed off in her abilities tenfold. Gone for her, were the days of accidentally destroying a room because she got upset. Maintaining control was second nature at this point. Peter found it all fascinating, while also beaming with pride, knowing full well how much of an accomplishment that was for her.

With all of this combined, it only made his burning desire for her grow even more. Knowing that they essentially had the whole world of possibilities in front of them, made him absolutely tense with want, and Raven was the exact same way. There was a mutual sense of knowing between them, like they both knew that this relationship was about to hit the stratosphere.

All they could do was hold on and enjoy the ride.

So after three days, the tension between them was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Raven's words, often lined with a wanting undertone, and Peter caught every bit of it. He could feel himself drawn in more and more with every conversation, every time he looked into her eyes, every time she went looking for him even though she tried to play it off.

Peter was wearing his suit, while tinkering with his spider bots in Cyborg's lab when Raven walked in. His eyes immediately darted up and watched her lovingly as she circled the room, peeking at what he was doing.

"Hey!" He said, his face lighting up upon seeing her.

Her eyes connected with his for a moment as she drew a bit closer. "Hey, Peter." She said softly, her tone and intense gaze, sending a shiver up his spine.

"You just get back?" He asked curiously.

She nodded at that. "They let us out early today." She shrugged, drawing a bit closer to him. As she reached him, her hand found its way resting on his chest as she stared into his eyes. "And how was your day?"

Peter blushed a bit, shivering from her touch.

"Uh... dull." He shrugged through his shaky breaths. "You know, typical nerd shit." He chuckled jokingly as he reassembled the spider bot.

Spider-Man: Lost and Found (18+)Where stories live. Discover now