Chapter 22: Test Your Metal

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One night, in Jump City, a young couple, were walking home down the empty sidewalks of the city. Many of the lights across the city were still on, as many often were, however, for the most part, the city was more of less asleep. As the couple made it to their destination, they waited in front of an apartment building, while the woman went through her bag for her keys. After a few seconds, she turned the key and opened the door, looking to her lover with a smile. However, after a moment, the man's eyes widened when he looked over her shoulder and saw a tall man standing in the door way.

"Heh, good to see you two made it." The man said with a threatening sneer. "I was wondering if you two would ever show up."

The woman looked fearfully, backing away as the man emerged from her apartment, followed by ten other men, dressed similarly to him.

"W-What are you doing in my apartment?" The woman asked as the gang gathered in front of them.

"Oh us?" The gang's leader laughed. "We were actually waiting for your date."

The man glowered at them and took a step in front of his girlfriend. "What do you want with me?"

"Come on now, pal." The leader snickered. "Surely you knew the only way out of this life is in a box."

"I WASN'T going to say anything." The man argued. "I just wanted a quieter life."

"Too late for that." The gang boss shook his head. "Can't take any chances on you... or on her." He said, looking to the woman as well.

The man gritted his teeth and stood in front of her. "You leave her one!"

"Hah! Who are you to give ME orders?" The boss laughed as he pulled out a pistol. "This is MY city."

"Actually, you're wrong about that last part." Came a chipper voice from above.

The criminals all looked up in cofusion, but didn't see anything. Then before any of them had a chance to react a tiny device exploded on the side of the boss's pistol with a small pop, that knocked the weapon from his hand. Then once the boss recovered and looked back in front of him, only to see Robin and Spider-Man standing in front of their victims.

"It's our city." Peter finished.

"Shit, it's Spider-Man, boss." One of the thugs mumbled.

The boss, however snickered. "This it? Just you and a boy wonder?"

"Honestly, I have half a mind to just let the kid off the leash." Peter shrugged, with Robin flashing a threatening smirm. "But for your own sake, I'll supervise this one."

"Funny." The boss snickered. "Guess only one of us brought backup."

Suddenly, he and Robin looked around to notice that around ten more men ran out from the apartment and quickly surrounded them. Robin immediately raised his fists to ready himself, while Peter casually stood there, lookong around at the enemy placements.

Finally, he looked back at the boss with a chuckle. "Do you NOT know who Spider-Man is?"

"Enough TALKING!" The boss roared, punching at his face.

Peter's eyes widened and he causally leaned back. "Guess not." He shrugged, before landing a quick jab right between the eyes.

"Aah! I can't see!" The boss groaned.

"Get them!" One of the goons shouted.

At that, Peter and Robin nodded at each other and turned opposite directions as the thugs charged them from both sides. Thinking, quickly, Tim jumped over the couple to protect them. Then shot two quick webs to trip up two of the thugs. Meanwhile, Peter lept over the group he faced, sticking to the side of the apartment, before shooting a web at each of his targets, connecting them all to each other, before activating an electric current through the webs that incapacitated them in a moment. He sat and watched as Robin continued his fight.

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