Chapter 7: The New Titans

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Peter opened his eyes to find himself somewhere he didn't expect to be.

The Hall of Justice.

He raised an eyebrow as he lied on his back, staring up at the massive building in New York. Though, he wasn't supposed to be there. He was supposed to be at Titans Tower in Jump City. He sat upright with a groan, to find himself sitting on the fountain right in front of the hall.

He looked up, to see that the sun was setting over the city, but not a sound could be heard for miles.

Just the wind in his ears.

He stood up, looking around in confusion, only to see the streets of the normally bustling city, completely barren, sending a chill up his spine. Looking at the empfy streets, made his home look and feel like completely different place.

"Hello!?" He called out as he walked towards the street, away from the Hall, his voice echoing down the street. "What the hell?..." he mumbled to himself, scratching his head in confusion.

Suddenly, as he stepped onto the empty street, he felt his spider senses tingle, forcing him to look straight up. There, he could see the same shadowy figure he had seen when Starfire took him there, on the same exact rooftop, no less. However, unlike the last time, the shadowy figure was joined by a ln entire group of figures, all of which shrouded in darkness, perched on the ledge watching him.

He took a step back, preparing himself to fight, before he heard someone approaching from behind.

"We can handle them, Peter." The voice of a younger male sounded from behind him.

Peter raised a brow and looked back, to see someone in his Spider-Man suit joining his side.

"Wait... who are you?" He asked, in confusion.

The Spider-Man didn't answer him, his eyes fixed on their mysterious foes. "They're coming!"

Peter looked back to the roof, just as the shadowy figures leapt down from the roof, flying right at them. Whoever this other Spider-Man was, they were still vastly outnumbered. Peter readied himself to fight as the figures got closer. However, his vision was soon filled with darkness for a few seconds, leaving him panting in confusion.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes to a more familiar sight. The ceiling of his room at Titan's Tower.

Just a dream...

Though, unlike his usual nightly bouts of terror. It felt far more real than any nightmare he had ever had. Less like a night terror, and more like a warning.

He sat upright with a groan and looked over at his alarm clock. It was three thirty in the morning the next day. With the unorthodox sleeping schedule every got from the trip, he wasn't sure who else might be up at the time. With a yawn, he picked himself up out of bed and got dressed, before leaving the room.

As he stepped out into the hall, he looked to his right, to find Raven's door closed, with a keep out sign hanging on the door. The sign that she was there made his heart soar, and he immediately bolted down the hall towards the living room.

He came to a sliding stop in the doorway to find Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Wally already awake. Then in an instant, all eyes were on him with confused looks. Peter tensed up at that, looking around awkwardly.

"You good, Spidey?" Cyborg laughed.

Peter glanced over at Raven to see her rolling her eyes with an amused smile.

"Uh... yeah- yeah, just... lost my footing is all." He lied.

The other four deadpanned at that in disbelief, and Wally laughed.

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