Chapter 30: Welcome, Hawkeye.

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After packing their belongings, Peter and his four companions gathered back at Wayne Manor to say goodbye to Dick and the others. Things seemed less tense now, which was a relief, and left Peter with a sense of accomplishment to see them together again. None of it was at all what he had expected, but with the help of his friends, they were able to save two people.

"So, you excited to get away?" Dick asked Kate with an amused grin.

Peter and Raven looked back at the archer with amused grins as she simply shrugged.

"Yeah, I mean Metropolis wasn't AS bad." She shrugged. "But, yeah, I do kinda miss Jump City a bit." She nodded, then looked kver at Raven curiously. "Is that pizza place I worked at still there?"

"Yep." She nodded with her arms folded. "Peter almost blew it up, but I stopped it." She shrugged.

Kate's jaw hung open at that and she gave Peter a scolding look. "Dude!"

"It was an accident." Peter chuckled.

Dick laughed at that, before giving Kate an encouraging nod. "I'm sure you'll do great."

After that, Bruce stepped up to Peter with the closest thing he had ever seen to a smile on the Bat.

"This was some miraculous timing you all had." He said, before giving a sigh. "I only wish this all could have been avoided entirely." He said, before extending his hand. "Still, despite our differences in the past. You have my respect."

Peter's eyes widened at that and he was left in awe for a moment while he shook his hand.

"Thanks." He smiled, his heart warmed by the rare gesture. Then he gave a timid shrug. "It was nothing, really."

"Not to us..." Barbara said with a smile and a nod.

Peter looked at her and Jason and they both gave him the same nod, though Jason tried to remain as aloof as possible.

Peter smiled at that and nodded back. "Well... I'm glad to help."

As they went to let go, Bruce's grip tightened slightly and he peered at Peter slightly.

"Just try not to make a habit of being off post." Bruce added sharply.

Peter looked off, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah... I'll certainly try."

"At least... not without calling first." Bruce joked with a slight smirk, before letting go and walking away.

Peter and the others chuckles at that as Bruce walked away.

"You guys take care." Jason waved as he walked away soon after.

Peter waved back before looking back at Dick.

"So... how long's this little hiatus gonna be?" Peter asked with a teasing grin. "Cause you're running low on vacation time."

Dick laughed at that and patted his empty pockets. "Oh darn." He replied sarcastically, "I'll have to check my calendar." He replied, causing them both to laugh. "Honestly though, it might still be a little bit." He replied. "It's starting to die down out there finally, but right now Jason needs me."

Pater nodded at that in understand. "It's all good. I can always check again tomorrow." He said with a sly smirk. "And the next day- and the next day- and the next day." He joked sarcastically, causing them both to laugh for a moment. After that, they both hugged for a moment. "Be safe out there. We'll miss you."

"You too." Dick replied, before Starfire, Tim, Barbara, and Kate joined in, causing him to strain a bit from the pressure. "Oh... okay. Love you guys too." He strained.

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