Chapter 31: Maybe On Earth, Maybe In The Future

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The Titans gathered in the training room for most of the next few days to help their two newest members adjust. In most exercises, Kate and Artemis ended up getting paired together, mostly because they were both archers. Though, Artemis seemed to maintain her competative nature with Kate as she did with everyone, the older archer didn't really pay it any mind. Though, that didn't stop her from showing off during exercises, which amused Peter.

On the second day, they got Kate set up with a better suit that looked pretty much the same, but with better material and protection. When it came to the arrows, Kate was a bit overwhelmed by the options that Cyborg presented, deciding to go with a select few to start off with.

Thankfully, the addition of two new members so close together didn't seem to mess with the usual flow of the team, with the two archers providing a new tactical advantage for Peter to consider.

On the forth day, they trained as a team for a second time, with half the team in training with Peter against a simulated giant robot. With him in the room were Wally, Tim, Artemis, and Kate, while the others observed from behind the glass.

The room was simulated to look like a ruined city, with smoke obscuring most of the view. Of course, none of this was real and was mostly tracking how many hits they took, versus the hits they landed.

"Is your new suit done yet, or are you gonna rock the street clothes forever?" Peter called over at Tim.

He sighed at that and hung his head. "It's almost done. I swear."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Peter teased, before pointing at their foe. "Anyway, Robot... fight."

For the first part of the exercise, Wally and Tim used their superior speed and ability to strike at the robot's knees to cause it to double over so that the archers could get a better shot at its head and neck. However, as they ran past the monster, the two of them ran into each other, causing the robot to turn around and swat at them, causing an alarm to sound. Tim and Wally sighed in disappointment after that and left the training room.

"Aw man." Wally sighed.

"Stupid holograms." Tim huffed as he accepted his defeat.

"Next time don't cross the streams." Peter joked, looking to his two archers. "Just you two left." Peter joked. "Who's leaving me hanging? And who's helping me take this thing down?" He quipped.

Kate and Artemis rolled and took cover to dodge the robot's downward fist, then they both drew their arrows and nodded at each other. Then, they both sprinted around the robot as it slowly turned around, until they were a safe distance away. Then, Kate leaned out from behind cover and quickly fired a trick arrow at the machine's knee joint, causing it to limp slightly. Then a blue light flashed on the arrow, before releasing a cable that stuck to its other knee and pulled them together, toppling the machine onto its stomach. After that, Artemis leaned out from behind her cover and fired an arrow into the back of its head, before it exploded in a small flash, causing the hologram to fade away.

Wally's jaw hung open at that and he groaned. "Aw come on!"

"You did your best." Starfire assured.

"Whoo! Nice!" Peter cheered from behind them, clapping. "Shit, you guys did all the work FOR me." He joked sarcastically.

"Yeah, thanks for the help by the way." Artemis countered.

Peter chuckled and shrugged at that. "Hey, where's the challenge in that?" He joked. "Seriously, though, nice job thinking on your feet. Good teamwork."

"Thanks." Kate said, watching as Cyborg turned the simulation off and the room returned to normal.

"Alright, next well have Starfire with the rest of the junior cast." He joked.

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