28. Secret Hidden.

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The devil's Pov

The phone rang, and I did a double take of the name on the screen. I wondered what this could be before picking it up. "Good morning, so glad you could pick up," the voice on the other end said.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the unexpected call. "What can I do for you, James?"

"I have news," he said, his tone grave. "News that you might not want to hear or see plastered all over the headlines. It could be damaging for the Steele empire."

I chuckled lightly, finding his dramatics somewhat amusing. "And what could possibly be so damaging for the Steele empire?" I inquired, my curiosity provoked.

James paused, choosing his words carefully. "I've had to put a hold on my staff from publishing such detrimental content. What's even worse is that I have the evidence to back it up."

Leaning back in my chair, I couldn't deny my growing intrigue. Despite my impatience, I knew this was no time for games. "Well, James, I don't have time for games. Either tell me what it is or I'll have to end this call," I stated firmly, my resolve evident in my voice.

I could hear the tension in James's voice as he took a deep breath before delivering the news. "One of my employees was given damaging information about Liam and his attorney. They're currently... involved. I'm not sure whether or not you're aware of this."

The line went silent as I processed his words. Evidence or not, this was not something I had anticipated. "Are you still there, Madam?" he asked cautiously.

"Meet me at our familiar spot at noon," I said curt, before hanging up the phone. There was much to discuss, and little time to waste.

I sighed quickly editing two contract. I made sure to have them printed. I always made sure to keep them stored since my line of work always had my hands dirty.

I nodded curtly at Gretchen, my maid, indicating that I was leaving. She silently helped me into my coat, her expression devoid of emotion as she performed her duties. It was now 11:49 am, by the time I was to reach it would be a little after twelve.

Exiting the building, I made my way to where my security team followed me. They ushered me into one of my more discreet car.

Upon arrival at the luxurious hotel with a private entrance, I stepped out of the car with purpose. My security team remained close by as I made my way inside. It wasn't one of the Steele hotel but a rather more concealed hotel that I used to do dirty business.

Entering the designated room, I took a moment to gather myself and get comfortable before confronting the matter at hand.

As James arrived minutes later, I couldn't help but note his tardiness with a raised eyebrow. "You're late," I remarked, my tone laced with a hint of impatience.

James offered a quick apology, his demeanor apologetic as he explained the delay. "I apologize for the delay, Mrs. Steele. There were unforeseen circumstances," he said, his tone regretful.

I nodded, accepting his apology with a curt nod. "Were your tracks clear?" I inquired, my tone serious.

"Of course, it would be stupid of me not to." James's response was affirmative, and without hesitation, I made slow, deliberate strides toward him.

My steps were intimidating as I now stood before him, staring into the eyes of the opportunist halfwit.

This man had worked hard to be in the position he was today. Being the executive of a million-dollar newsletter was a feat of his own, especially considering he was self-made. I had to give him props for manipulating, conniving, and even resorting to murder and a few other illegal activities to claw his way to the top.

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