39. An unexpected visitor.

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My heart was heavy with the weight of rejection and betrayal when I had sneaked out of the party. I remembered the talk I had with Noah and Cole, their terrified looks imprinted in my mind, and I had suddenly understood why they had been so scared.

As I made my way through the parking lot, the voices of the other celebrities lingered in the air, their idle chatter. I could hear whispers of longing for Liam, of envy and it only added to the ache in my chest.

I hurriedly walked towards the car desperate to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the soirée, when a familiar voice called out to me from behind.

Suddenly, Cole grabbed my hand from behind, and I shook him off angrily. Turning to face them both, I asked with a nonchalant air, "Did you two know Liam and I were together?" Deep down, I already knew the answer, but I needed to hear it from them.

"Yes but-"

Not wanting to hear anymore I blasted them, "Why the hell didn't you tell me he was engaged?!" I demanded, my voice rising with each word. "You could have saved me the heartache!" The anger burned hot within me, fueled by betrayal and hurt.

"You both care nothing for me," I accused, "So stop pretending like you actually give a damn about me!" I whispered in tears.

"We do care for you, Quinn." I ignored Cole's words.

"This was all some sort of sick joke, wasn't it?" I continued, "Liam invited me here only to announce his engagement to a princess, making a mockery of thinking I was someone important to him." The bitterness in my tone was evident as I laid bare the pain and betrayal.

Cole's voice cut through the tension, his tone tinged with desperation as he attempted to explain. "Quinn, we don't believe Liam was the one who invited you here-" he started, but I didn't want to hear their excuses.

"Save it," I snapped, my voice dripping with disdain. "I've heard enough." Ignoring their protests, I turned on my heel and marched off, my heart heavy.

I refused to linger a moment longer in the presence of those who had deceived me, leaving behind the echoes of their hollow explanations as I sought solace in the solitude of my own thoughts.

I could hear footsteps trailing after me as another hand gripped my hand in their's.

Noah opened his mouth, I shook my head, cutting him off with a dismissive gesture. "I don't want to hear your excuses," I snapped.

I didn't want to hear their empty words.

Without another word, I turned on my heel and marched away, my steps purposeful as I distanced myself from Noah, Cole, and the painful reminder of Liam's betrayal.

Their voices faded into the background as I retreated into the solace of my own thoughts, determined to lick my wounds in private and move forward without them.

I stopped in my track noticing the chauffeur at the car but I decided to beg a drive from two celebrity nearby who thankfully recognized me as Attorney Quinn from Liam's well aired court case.

Luckily, I managed to contain my tears as they dropped me off, trying not to show how upset I was over my client's engagement and the earlier accusations that I had an affair with him.

"Do you mind, if we ask why your leaving so soon? The party just started?" They nosily asked.

"I was here to wish Liam and his fiance congratulations, I was informed yesterday of their engagement." I lied through my teeth.

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