32. A nightmare.

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I jolted awake, my heart racing and my body drenched in sweat. It took me a moment to shake off the remnants of the nightmare that had gripped me so tightly in my sleep. Liam's concerned face swam into focus as I struggled to catch my breath.

"Liam," I whispered, my voice trembling with fear. "You scared me."

His expression softened as he reached out to touch my cheek. "I was only trying to wake you," he murmured, his concern evident in his eyes. "I heard you thrashing around in your sleep which seemed like a cause for concern."

I managed a weak smile, grateful for him waking me up, "It was a horrible nightmare about Khloe," I confessed, my voice still shaky from the lingering fear. "I can't shake the feeling that something's wrong."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Liam offered, his expression filled with genuine concern as he gently rubbed small circles around my back in a soothing manner, attempting to provide comfort.

"I know you have connections, she even works at your club," I said quietly, meeting his gaze with a pleading look. "Do you think you could use them to find out where Khloe might be? I just need to know if she's okay."

Liam didn't hesitate, his resolve firm as he took my hand in his. "Of course," he replied without hesitation. "I'll do everything in my power to find out where she is and make sure she's safe. You have my word."

Relief flooded through me at his promise, and I squeezed his hand gratefully. "Thank you, Liam," I whispered.

Lifting my chin in a loving manner, Liam gazes into my eyes, slowly he moves in, his nose coming into contact with mine.

Liam kisses me hard, his lips molding perfectly with mine, the sweet of his lips leaves me breathless. Deepening our kiss Liam slips into my mouth, his hand circling around my body, leaving small tingles of passion fighting for control, our kiss tastes sweet as I reluctantly break away gasping for air.

Liam then pulls me into his arms, holding me close, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to believe that everything would be okay. With Liam by my side, I knew that together we would find a way to bring Khloe back home, safe and sound.

"Don't you think your friend would probably have a heart attack if she were to come home and see us like this?" Liam suggested with a devious smile playing on his handsome lips.

He was undoubtedly a devil, a cunning one at that.

I could see the mischief gleaming in his eyes, almost as if he relished the idea of causing such a horrible thing to happen.

"You do have a point," I conceded, quickly pulling the sheet over my body as his full form came into view, my eyes widening in surprise and embarrassment. Blushing furiously, I hastily covered him with the sheet, noting he was completely naked.

It seemed he had a penchant for wandering around naked in my presence, a habit that never failed to leave me flustered and foolishly aroused by his antics.

"You should leave," I suggested firmly, trying to regain some semblance of composure.

"So you would really throw me out for your crazy friend?" Liam questioned, his tone laced with skepticism, clearly testing my loyalty with his provocative inquiry.

"Yes," I affirmed, avoiding his gaze as his eyes bore into mine with an incredulous look. "Plus, we have court the day after tomorrow," I added, emphasizing the necessity of maintaining distance between us, especially given the fact that we should not be together.

I knew I shouldn't be this close with Liam. We were basically spending too much time together in the same bed.

Plus, harboring feelings for him was out of the question. I couldn't shake off the memories of the chaotic end of high school, leading up to university. It was a painful reminder that Liam couldn't be trusted.

The thought of enduring heartbreak fifty million and one times was simply unbearable. It wasn't worth the emotional turmoil. Moreover, we practically lived together during our university years, blurring the lines even further.

He would go on to inflict upon me the most excruciating heartache I had ever experienced since the death of my own mother.

Liam's phone ringing snapped me out of my reverie. I watched as he casually ignored it yet again, for what must have been the hundredth time. Glancing at the clock, I noted that it was seven minutes past six in the morning.

Surely it couldn't be work.

"It seems whoever she is that is calling your phone needs your attention," I pointed out, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"Well, whoever she is can get my attention once I'm finished showing my attention to you," Liam responded casually, his nonchalant demeanor only serving to deepen my scowl.

This bastard didn't even do anything to hide the fact that he had other women.

And here I was not using protection!

This was what I lost my best friend for!

If it weren't for the repercussions I would face for pushing him off my bed, I would have done it without a second thought.

I scoffed, redirecting my attention to the television as I switched it on. It was fortunate that we didn't harbor any feelings for each other; it was just a fling. Even though, deep down, a part of me couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if we did.

Turning on the tv I skipped through the channels wondering what I was going to watch when suddenly an headline caught my attention and left me gasping for air.

"Attorney Quinn Beaumont: Tied to Billionaire Bachelor Liam Steele. Past Secret Lover and Current Paramour?"

And how does this affect the multi billionaire's legal battle?

I changed the channel in disbelief, only to be confronted by yet another headline repeating the same shocking revelation. My heart sank like a stone in my chest.

"This can't be real," I muttered to myself, unable to comprehend the magnitude of what was unfolding before my eyes.

"We've received information from a highly reliable source confirming the relationship between the two," the reporter declared somberly. "It appears that the news was leaked by none other than Alia Bosworth, who had hoped to remain anonymous. Unfortunately, her attempt at secrecy was unsuccessful."

"Lia?!" I gasped in disbelief.

My mind spun with disbelief and confusion as I struggled to process the devastating news.

"Scandalous!" blared the broadcast from the television.

Caught in the whirlwind of shock, I noticed Liam on his phone in my peripheral vision. But before I could process anything further, everything went black, and the world around me faded into unconsciousness.


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