38. A shattered heart.

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A vague memory started to nudge at the back of my mind as I laid in the aftermath of the strange encounter, attempting to get over the uncertainty that followed.

Something about that woman seemed very familiar, both in her manner and presence.

I furrowed the top of my head, closed my eyes, and tried to concentrate, letting the bits and pieces of recollection come together and begin to take shape. And suddenly it dawned on me like a faraway echo getting louder with time.

I remembered seeing her before, years ago, during the first time Liam and I had met. It wasn't in a grand estate or a lavish setting; it was at rocky mountain chocolate factory at a mall, where Liam and I had bumped into each other quite unexpectedly.

She had been there, a fleeting presence in the background, her expression impassive as she silently observed our encounter.


The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning, jolting me out of my reverie. But why was Liam's former maid here now, and what connection did she have to the cryptic message she had delivered?

Questions swirled in my mind, each one more baffling than the last, as I struggled to make sense of it all.

I closed my eyes and surrendered to the embrace of deep slumber, hoping that rest would provide clarity and peace to my racing mind and heart overflowing with unresolved questions.

Later that night, I woke up feeling uneasy because when I went to check my phone, I did not find any missed messages or calls from Liam. I tried contacting him again, and this time there was no answer, which made me confused and worried.

Shaking off the unsettling feeling, I decided to focus on preparing for the Steele Elite Soiree. I took a refreshing shower, letting the warm water ease the tension from my body. Afterward, I prepared a light meal to fuel myself for the evening ahead.

I slowly added on some light make up on.

I felt a rush of confidence looking in the mirror at myself, looking exquisite in the gorgeous outfit Liam had sent me. The matching jewelry gave my outfit a sense of sophistication, while the lacy red dress beautifully highlighted my shape.

I styled my hair into loose curls, letting them cascade down my shoulders in an effortlessly chic manner.

As I stepped outside, the cool evening air brushed against my skin, and I scanned the area, half-expecting to see Liam waiting for me as he had promised. But to my surprise, I was greeted by a different car and driver, with no sign of Liam in sight.

The driver approached me, his demeanor friendly but businesslike, and I felt a twinge of confusion. He stated in a soothing, collected manner, "Miss Beaumont, I'm here on behalf of Mr. Steele."

Nodding in acknowledgment, I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to make of this unexpected turn of events. Where was Liam? Why had he sent someone else to pick me up instead of coming himself?

Though doubts raced through my head, I told myself to believe in Liam's judgment and intentions. Acceptance in hand, I got into the car.

We traveled in quiet, and I couldn't get rid of the restlessness and curiosity that was eating away at me. My jaw dropped at the opulence of the mansion we arrived to.

It stood tall and imposing, surrounded by meticulously manicured gardens and adorned with intricate architectural details. The sight of it left me in awe of its magnificence.

As the car pulled up to the entrance, I stepped out, feeling a rush of excitement coursing through me.

I followed the security guards to the main entrance, and as I moved through the crowd of attendees, I observed their inquisitive looks and quiet conversations. Curiosity got the better of me when I overheard brief exchanges regarding "attorney."

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