24. An enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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Khloe's pov

I stand outside Grayson's door, my heart pounding with a mix of anger and determination. I raise my hand and knock, the sound echoing through the hallway. After a few moments, the door creaks open, revealing Grayson's surprised face.

Without waiting for him to speak, I barge in, my words coming out with a hint of defiance. "Grayson, I need somewhere to crash for a few days. Your place will do," I state, my voice laced with nonchalance.

He hesitates, clearly uncomfortable with my request. "Khloe, you can't just show up like this. I need my space, I don't even know you apart from your fucking name." he protests, his tone revealing a hint of anger.

But I brush off his objections, continuing to make myself at home in his apartment. "Look, Grayson, I appreciate your concerns, but I really don't have time for this right now. I need a place to crash, and your bed looks comfy enough," I reply, my tone dismissive.

He hesitates, his expression hardening as he processes my request. "Khloe, I barely know you. You can't just show up here expecting me to let you stay, are you fucking crazy?" he retorts, his tone firm and unwavering.

He crosses his arms over his chest, his stance defensive as he meets my gaze. "I'm not interested in playing host to someone I barely know. You need to find somewhere else to stay," he declares, his tone leaving no room for argument.

And as I stand my ground, I can see the frustration written all over Grayson's face. But I don't care. From now on, I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want, even if it means pushing people like Quinn out of my way.

I can't let Grayson turn me away. Not now, not when I'm at my breaking point. Ignoring his words, I continue to pace back and forth in his small apartment, my mind consumed with thoughts of betrayal. "I can't believe she lied to me, manipulated me for all these years," I mutter, my anger simmering just beneath the surface.

"For the last time, can you please leave you fucking weirdo?!" Grayson angrily grits, interrupting my thoughts.

I've been pushed aside too many times before, and I won't let it happen again. With a defiant glare, I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not leaving. Not this time, so whether you like it or not, get comfortable with me being here." I declare, my voice filled with determination.

"Fucking nutjob, I'll call the police." He hissed, before leaving me in his living room.

I didn't care what he was about to do.

I sit on Grayson's couch, trying to process the bombshell Quinn dropped on me. How could my best friend betray me like this? I thought we shared everything, but apparently we even shared the same man.

I can just imagine she was jealous of the fact that I had a crush on Liam and decided to sleep with him herself.

That bitch.

Liam meant the world to me, and now I find out he's been sleeping with Quinn since high school. The betrayal cuts deep, and I can't believe Quinn would hurt me like this.

As the shock wears off, anger bubbles up inside me. Quinn is nothing but an awful, heartless whore. She knew how much Liam meant to me, and yet she didn't care. She didn't care about our friendship at all.

But I refuse to let her get away with it. I won't rest until she's paid for what she's done. From now on, it's war, and I'll stop at nothing to ruin her, just like she ruined me.

Liam, the man I've pined for since high school, never seemed to notice me, no matter how hard I tried to get his attention. Working at his club was supposed to bring us closer, but he remained oblivious to my existence.

As I contemplate Liam's indifference, a bitter realization strikes me. Could Quinn have poisoned his mind against me? The thought churns my stomach, fueling my anger towards my former best friend.

She probably told him that I hated him?

Despite my efforts to win Liam's affection, he never gave me a chance. Now, as I sit in Grayson's living room, frustration and regret weigh heavy on my heart. All I wanted was an opportunity to prove myself to him, to show him that I'm worthy of his love.

I felt as though I had hit rock bottom. My parents, despite going bankrupt, went out of their way to help me attend a prestigious high school, which was incredibly costly.

It was filled with elites from wealthy families, and when I first joined, my parents seemed to have it all. However, their financial struggles ultimately prevented me from pursuing a college education. I can't help but blame them for my current situation. I would never go home!

Reflecting on my journey, from the highs of attending a prestigious high school to the lows of not being able to further my education, it feels like disappointment after disappointment. It's frustrating to think about the missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams.

I can't help but wonder how I ended up here. It's like a never-ending cycle of setbacks and limitations, and it's suffocating.

Despite knowing myself to be a gorgeous girl, Liam seems oblivious to my charms, his attention directed elsewhere. The media may paint him as a playboy, but I see through the facade - he's selective in his choices, and it stings.

The image of Quinn, with her effortlessly exotic beauty, flashes through my mind, stirring up a surge of envy.

How could she, with her striking brunette hair and magnetic presence, end up with Liam? It doesn't make sense. Quinn could have her pick of any man, yet she chose Liam - my man.

My thoughts drift back to high school, where Liam had once tormented Quinn. The pieces of the puzzle start to click into place in my mind - Quinn must have seduced Liam to escape the bullying. It's the only explanation that makes sense to me, the only way I can make sense of Quinn's actions.

But then, a disturbing thought intrudes upon my train of thought. How did Quinn end up with Liam as her client as well? It must have been her doing. That conniving bitch would go to great lengths to achieve her desires, even if it means manipulating her way all to the top.

Anger courses through me as I realize the depth of Quinn's deception. She's not just a rival - she's a threat, a snake in the grass who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. And I vow that I won't rest until I expose Quinn for the deceitful, conniving bitch she truly is.

My mind consumed with thoughts of Quinn's betrayal and how I can get my revenge, when Grayson suddenly storms back into the room, his face contorted with anger.

"Khloe, you need to leave. The cops are on their way, and I won't have you causing a scene and embarrassing me," he spits out venomously, his words slicing through the tension in the room.

"Can you please shut the fuck up?!" I ignore his warning, my anger toward Quinn reaching a boiling point, "I have no time to deal with your pathetic pleas for me to leave." I hiss.

I can easily manipulate the police and make it seems as if we're lovers.

"My predicament is getting revenge on that bitch Quinn which I need to focus on." I spat.

Grayson looks at me somewhat confused, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Who's Quinn?" he asks, his tone betraying his uncertainty.

I look at him skeptically, wondering why he would ask such a question? I roll my eyes at him for interrupting my thoughts once again.

"Quinn Beaumont," I explain, my voice tinged with frustration. "My ex-best friend who's sleeping with my husband, Liam Steele."

As I stand in Grayson's living room, my hand tightly folded across my chest as I try to process the situation about Quinn and Liam.

Glancing at Grayson, I notice a subtle shift in his expression - his eyes slightly widen, but then slowly a sinister smile begins to play on his lips. It sends a shiver down my spine, an eerie feeling creeping over me.

Grayson leans in closer, the smile on his lips growing wider. "Tell me more, about this Quinn, you and me might just be able to benefit on this one." he smirks, his voice low and filled with intrigue and a side of venom.


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