20. Must be punished part 2.

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Liam opens my legs wide for him, and I obediently oblige, feeling a rush of heat flood through me as I close my eyes tightly shut and bite my lip, blushing furiously. I can't bring myself to look at him, knowing full well that I'm soaking wet for him.

My body was running high on adrenaline, my core throbbing painfully with need for him to relieve me. The anticipation of his touch only heightens my arousal, leaving me trembling with desire as I eagerly await his next move.

"Look at me," his orders causes my body to scream in response, practically offering myself to him as I try to obey.

Liam's eyes lock onto mine, and a cheeky grin sets upon his pristine face. I can feel his fingers pressing along my inner thigh, traveling from my sex towards my knee.

The sensation sends shivers of suspense down my spine. With each touch, my desire for him intensifies, and I can't help but arch my back, silently urging him to fulfill the throbbing ache between my thighs.

"Your wet," he teases, his voice dripping with desire and amusement.

My eyes roll to the back of my head as he removes my soaked clothing, leaving me completely exposed and vulnerable before him.

His touch sends shivers of pleasure coursing through me as he begins to play with my pussy, his fingers expertly exploring every inch of my throbbing core.

The sensation is overwhelming, and I can't help but moan in pleasure as he continues to tease and tantalize me, driving me to the brink of ecstasy with each skillful movement of his fingers.

"Oh yes, please," I moan, the words slipping out before I can stop myself. Quickly, I cover my mouth with my hand, muffling the sounds of pleasure that threaten to escape my lips.

Despite my efforts to control myself, the softest of moans manage to slip through, my body pulsating with pleasure as I struggle to maintain some semblance of composure under his expert touch.

"Remove your hand, I want to hear your screams," Liam ordered, his voice commanding.

Obediently, I did as I was told, knowing that he'd likely punish me by withdrawing his services if I didn't comply.

"Mine," Liam snarls greedily, his voice possessive as he licked his fingers while looking deeply into my eyes, a primal intensity burning within them. I shivered in impatience, fully surrendering myself to him as I awaited his next move.

I needed him.

I blushed as I watched him slip his finger inside me, a surge of pleasure coursing through me before he pulled it out and licked it, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

His words were like silk, pure honey dripping with sex, sending a trembling rumble through me as I fought to contain my response.

Goosebumps covered my body as it warmed, and my skin tingled with the smallest of touches, my senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.

A single finger runs along my clit, finding me already deliciously wet as Liam lets his hand glide across my body, eliciting a natural response from me.

His finger continues to slip in and out, casually hitting my clit and testing my limits. I don't know how much longer I can hold up without begging for more of his touches.

The heat inside me wants to erupt, the urge to beg for more overwhelming as I struggle to maintain control and savor the exquisite torture of his teasing touch.

Bucking my hips in response to the overwhelming pleasure, Liam puts his hand on my waist to stop me.

"If you move, then I'll punish you with the deprivation of my touch. Do I make myself clear?" he orders, his voice firm and commanding.

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