14. On Suspension.

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As we gathered in the boss's office, the anticipation was thick in the air. Michael, Christine, Jessica, and I exchanged glances, all wondering why we had been called in on such short notice. With a blizzard looming, the urgency to get home was evident on everyone's faces.

The boss entered the room, her expression serious, her face was always this way, never happy but yet I couldn't help wondering, did something go wrong?

"Do any of you have any idea why I've called you all here today?" the boss asked, her tone businesslike.

I exchanged a glance with my colleagues, but before any of us could respond, Jessica spoke up with a bright smile. "I think we're here so you can congratulate us all on continuing to do a fantastic job at the firm," she said cheerfully, her optimism shining through despite the tense atmosphere.

Was that really why we were here? I glanced around at my colleagues, seeing the confusion turn to smiles of gratitude.

The boss's smile sent a shiver down my spine, a silent warning that something was amiss. I glanced at my colleagues, and I could see the unease reflected in their eyes. We all knew that when the boss smiled, it was never for anything good.

Or maybe when a case was won, otherwise from that she never smiled.

As Jessica's cheerful words hung in the air, the boss's smile faltered, and a sense of dread settled over the room. I held my breath, waiting for her next words, but they weren't what any of us expected.

"Unfortunately, that's not the case," she answered, her voice grave. "I've summoned you all here today because of some extremely unfortunate news."

The words hung in the air like a dark cloud, and I felt my stomach drop. Bad news? What could she possibly be referring to? My mind raced, trying to think of anything we might have done wrong, but I came up empty.

I exchanged glances with my colleagues, and I could see the same confusion and distress mirrored on their faces. This was not what any of us had expected, and the realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I'm afraid I have some grave news," she began, her tone serious as she addressed us. "It has come to my attention that there has been a report of bullying from you people from the upper heads, and unfortunately, it has been confirmed that all of you have been involved."

I felt a knot form in my stomach as I struggled to process her words. Bullying? We had never bullied anyone, and yet here we were, facing the consequences of our alleged actions.

In a state of extreme fright, I stood up, my heart racing as I tried to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Beside me, my colleagues gasped in disbelief, their expressions mirroring my own shock and fear.

The realization that our reputations and careers were on the line hit me like a ton of bricks.

"This can't be happening," I muttered, my voice trembling with disbelief. "Is this some kind of joke?"

Attorney Allen's expression remained stern, and I could see no hint of humor in her eyes. "I assure you, this is no joke," she said firmly. "Your behaviors has been deemed unacceptable, and as a result, you are all being terminated from your positions as Senior Attorneys."


How could this be happening? We had worked so hard to get to where we were, and now it was all being taken away from us.

I found myself questioning the boss, pleading for answers that I knew deep down were probably futile. "But we haven't bullied anyone," I protested, my voice rising in fear. "This is all a misunderstanding. It must be some sort of misunderstanding."

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