33. What's the cause?

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My heart pounded in my chest as I made my way through the office, the weight of everyone's eyes bearing down on me like a heavy burden.

Whispers followed in my wake, a constant reminder of the scandal that had erupted on the internet and is currently the number one news literally everywhere.

I could feel the judgmental stares, the silent accusations, as I navigated the maze of cubicles towards my boss's office. Each step felt like a struggle, the tension in the air suffocating me.

How could I face my boss after the scandalous revelation of my affair with Liam, leaked by my own associate?

While walking to my boss's office I took notice that Alia wasn't anywhere to be seen.

With trembling hands, I raised my fist to knock, the sound echoing in the silence of the office. My stomach churned with anxiety, knowing that whatever awaited me on the other side of that door was bound to be anything but pleasant.

"Come in,"

With a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped inside, locking it behind me to shield our conversation from prying ears, although I couldn't shake the feeling that the commotion within would surely be heard.

"Quinn," she said, her tone softening as she folded her hands on the desk. "It appears that giving you this high-profile case has stirred jealousy among your peers and even those higher up." She sighed, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"It's unfortunate," my boss continued, her expression troubled. "Alia is the fifth associate in the past month that I've either fired or suspended just for you."

I was aware that four other associates had been suspended due to allegations of bullying other colleagues, rumors that had circulated around the office.

Secretly, few knew that I was one of the associates they had targeted. I had deliberately avoided getting drawn into any office scandal, but I couldn't deny feeling a sense of satisfaction knowing they had been suspended.

I was taken aback to learn that it was the exact same group involved in the recent suspensions. Their rude behavior towards me had been unsettling, and I couldn't help but feel concerned for others who might have been their targets.

"Alia is fired?" I questioned, my surprise evident.

"Not yet. I haven't spoken to her just yet. You're the first one to see me in my office," my boss confirmed. "I want to hear what sort of lie she'll come up with. It's clear I'll have to let her go. What other associates will be willing to work with someone who's willing to sabotage one of their own's case?" My boss rolled her eyes in annoyance, clearly frustrated by the situation.

"Anyway, I don't know if you're sleeping with Liam or not," my boss continued bluntly. "Just ensure it doesn't end up in the tabloids with evidence. I'll have to release a press conference soon about your associate, Alia, being jealous and wanting the case for herself. It will be a good cover-up story."

Her words sent a chill down my spine, realizing the gravity of the situation and the lengths she was willing to go to protect the firm's reputation.

I felt a pang of sympathy for Alia, realizing that beneath her actions lay insecurities and misguided ambitions. But I also knew that her actions had consequences, not just for herself but for the reputation and integrity of the firm as a whole.

"I've heard you now have substantial evidence to win the case tomorrow. I'm backing you," my boss declared, a rare smile gracing her lips.

"Just yesterday, I had dinner with the other partners, and they've been riding me ever since, claiming that a young associate like yourself shouldn't have been entrusted with such a significant case. They insisted I should have handed it over to one of their senior associates or even to myself. I need you to prove them wrong for me."

"I will." I smiled feeling triumphant even though there were other's doubting me.

As I stepped out of my boss's office, still reeling from our conversation, my eyes fell upon the screen TV mounted on the wall, broadcasting Liam's team vehemently denying the claims of our alleged affair.

The sight sent a jolt of mixed emotions coursing through me – relief that the very false truth was being defended, yet a lingering sense of discomfort at the public scrutiny our personal lives were now subjected to.

Before I could fully process the scene before me, June, my paralegal associate, approached me with a sympathetic expression. "Quinn," she said softly, "I heard what happened with Alia. It's terrible what she did just because of her jealousy."

I nodded, grateful for June's understanding and support in the midst of the chaos that had engulfed our firm. "It's been a challenging time," I admitted.

"I know, just know we all are here for you." June nodded and I could see a few sympathetic looks from everyone.

Thank God they believed it.

I couldn't shake the thought from my mind—did Alia genuinely know about Liam and me, or was her actions driven solely by her animosity towards me?

The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving me to ponder the motives behind her betrayal. Whether she was acting out of spite or if she had stumbled upon the truth, one thing was clear: I needed to tread carefully amidst the tangled web of office politics and personal vendettas.

As I stood there, watching the news coverage unfold, I remembered Liam this morning. I had almost fainted twice from the news.

He had reassured me, promising to take care of the situation and squash the rumors immediately. And now, as I watched the news report confirming that the allegations were false, a sense of relief washed over me, knowing that Liam had kept his word.

My phone buzzed in my hand, signaling an incoming text. With a furrowed brow, I glanced down at the screen to see Liam's name flashing across it.

Curiosity mingled with apprehension as I opened the message, my heart pounding in my chest. The words that greeted me caused my jaw to drop in disbelief.

"Let's meet tonight at hotel four seasons at nine," Liam's text read.

I felt a surge of shock and frustration coursing through me. How could Liam suggest meeting at a hotel in the midst of this scandal? Didn't he realize the implications of such a move, especially with the rumors swirling around us?

Unable to contain my incredulity, I quickly typed out a response, my fingers trembling with agitation. "Are you crazy?!" I texted back, my disbelief evident in the words.

Seconds later, Liam's reply came through, a single word that sent a shiver down my spine. "Yes," he admitted, his honesty both appalling and unsettling.

That bastard!

Despite our faces being plastered across the news for being romantically linked, here he was, still wanting to meet up for sex amidst this scandalous revelation.

The audacity of it all left me speechless, a whirlwind of thoughts rushing in my head. How could he be so insensitive, so reckless, in the midst of such turmoil?

"I'll be there sharp," I texted.


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