19. Must be punished Part 1.

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As the warm water cascades down my body, I can't help but remember Liam's possessive words and his controlling touch. His words continuously replaying in my mind, leaving me feeling conflicted, trapped and sadly aroused.

Was my fate forever tied with Liam's? Why does it feel as though I would never be able to get away from him? Even though that was not such a bad thing, however betraying Khloe was a horrible thing, and the fact that he loves to control me doesn't sit well with me... I think.

The turmoil of emotions swirling within me as I stand under the shower, contemplating my complicated feelings and uncertain future.

Speaking of Khloe, she still hadn't picked up any of my messages or calls. I couldn't help but worry about her and hoped she was doing okay.

My mind was in confusion, torn between the arousal I felt around Liam and the guilt of potentially betraying my best friend. Adding to the complexity of the situation was the fact that he's my client, blurring the lines between personal and professional boundaries.

I stepped out of the shower, drying my hair before slipping into one of Liam's other t-shirts. Glancing at the bathrobe hanging on the hanger, I shook my head in defiance. It was clear what Liam wanted - for me to wear the bathrobe outside and change in his walk-in closet, where he could catch me off guard.

Was I overthinking? Maybe, but Liam was a very calculated man. His intentions and motives were always carefully planned, and his actions left me questioning whether he could truly be trusted.

As I changed into his shirt and combed my hair, I couldn't shake off the feeling of sulking ever since waking up to breakfast and an empty bed. It was irrational, I scolded myself.

Why should I sulk over not being fed by Liam, as if I were a damn baby? I've always fed myself before, so why was I making such a fuss about it now? It was outrageous, and I knew deep down that my thoughts were being twisted and skewed by my emotions.

Yet, despite my attempts to rationalize my feelings, the sense of disappointment lingered. It wasn't just about the breakfast; it was about feeling cared for, looked after, and perhaps even loved in some small way.

But expecting such gestures from Liam felt like a betrayal of my independence and self-reliance. I couldn't let myself become dependent on him, especially when there was so much uncertainty surrounding affair we were having.

I realized I needed to put some distance between us; this situation wasn't healthy. Despite being his attorney, I found myself acting like his helpless girlfriend, allowing my emotions to cloud my judgment and boundaries. I wondered if he was still busy with work?

Get yourself together!

Sighing I headed outside seeing no Liam in sight. Good, no distractions and I can finally have some peace and quiet away from the man who kept disturbing my damn emotions.

He must be in his study room.

His apartment was astonishingly large, resembling the size of an actual house rather than a typical apartment. The spaciousness only emphasized the sense of isolation I craved at that moment.

Making my way over to the bed, I turned on the TV, flipping through channels in search of something exciting to watch and occupy my time.

Did Liam have breakfast?

I shook my head, determined to stay focused despite the temptation to distract myself. However, after just ten minutes, loneliness crept in, urging me to seek out some form of company. With a sigh, I decided to wander around the apartment, hoping to spot Liam and see what he was up to.

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