12. You have been warned.

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7 years ago....

I watched in jealousy and sadness as everyone got asked to go to the ball. No one wanted to ask me, I felt like an outcast for being poor in a rich school and for being bullied by the rich.

Even my best friend Khloe got asked to the ball. I watched as she smiled widely in class.

"But what are you going to wear at the masquerade ball? Your parents are now struggling financially. You can't afford to go to this," I whispered, concern lacing my voice.

"Oh yeah? Well, watch me. One way or another, I'm getting to that damn ball, with or without my parents' help, even if that means stealing their last dime," Khloe whispered back, her tone filled with determination and defiance.

I was starting to believe Khloe had somehow drank a poisonous drink that started to turn her mind evil. Her thoughts these days were simple vile and nothing that I did to talk to her would help.

I sighed before turning back to my schoolwork, damn you Liam!

Then again maybe it was a blessing considering I or my parents has no money to begin with. How would I be able to afford a dress or a mask? It was always sad.

At least I was looking forward to making out with Liam soon even though we had just secretly made out, he had now opted for twice daily than only once. It was the only part of my day which I looked forward to which was pretty sad.

Imagine looking forward to making out with your hansome and rich bully who's done nothing more than made me an outcast amongst others. I was just glad no one found out.

As I sat at the front of the class, trying to focus on the lecture, the sudden influx of students rushing into the room caught my attention. They were singing excitedly, their eyes fixed on Lia at the back of the class as they ignored the teacher who simply did not care at this point but stopped to let them do their performance.

As they launched into their impromptu song and dance, Lia's face lit up with excitement. I couldn't help but feel jealous as I watched her reaction, wondering if Liam was the one who was asking her to the dance.

My heart skipped a beat as one of the students stepped forward, presenting Lia with a beautifully wrapped box. Could this be from Liam? I thought to myself, jealous by the possibility of a romantic gesture.

"Awe, this must be from Liam." A few of the students cooed in the class.

But as Lia eagerly opened the box, her excitement turned to rage in an instant. The group of students then sang her what I presume was written on the note that Lia opened, "Will you go to the prom with me, Thomas?"


Furious, Lia's face flushed with anger as she glared at the group of students. "Thomas?!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with anger. "Who the heck is Thomas?! Why isn't there a note asking me to the dance from my boyfriend Liam?"

Lia has been getting invites all week but I guess because Liam was none of them it was starting to weigh her down. I couldn't help but feel satisfied with the outcome.

"We all know Liam is not her boyfriend." Khloe giggled satisfyingly at a very pissed off Lia.

"You don't know that. You never know, he could probably ask her out anytime between now and the dance." I whispered.

I hoped not.

I sighed, here I go again, pining on the fact that I didn't want my bully to go out with the schools bad boy rich bully.

As the school bell rings, signaling the end of class, I quickly bid Khloe farewell and slip out of the bustling hallway, making my way towards the parking lot. My heart pounds with nervousness as I approach the familiar white Range Rover nestled among the rows of cars – Liam's car.

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