22. First night together.

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7 years ago.

I bit my lip nervously, pacing back and forth in my room like a nervous wreck, all because of Liam. Glancing at myself in the mirror for the fifteenth time, I hoped I looked good or at least okay. My hair was neatly caught in a ponytail, and I was wearing pink and very skimpy pajamas.

Pacing back and forth, doubt crept in. Was I looking too seductive? Would my appearance give off the impression that I wanted to have sex until tomorrow morning?

"If only I had gone to the dance, things would be a lot better, I guess," I mumbled to myself.

The anxiety of the impending encounter with Liam made me wish for a different set of circumstances, anything to escape the feeling of almost fainting that loomed over me.

I felt like such an amateur at this. I'm sure lots of girls my age have a boyfriend sneaking in, but here I was, freaking out and not knowing what to do. The pajamas I had were the only ones I owned. I only had baggy shirts that I wore at home and in bed.

I'm sure Liam wouldn't like that...the fact that I wore a baggy shirt for him on our first night. He was a very peculiar boy.

But why the hell would I care about what Liam liked or didn't like? The thought hit me like a slap in the face, causing me to pause in my pacing as I realized the absurdity of my concern. Why should I worry about meeting Liam's expectations or preferences.


Khloe must be having a blast right now at the dance, far better than my racing heart. I was secretly hoping Liam would go to the dance, but deep down, I mostly wanted him to come here.

The unsettling thought crossed my mind: Was Liam playing with me? Did he make some kind of bet to sleep with me? I've seen that happen too many times in movies, and I couldn't let that sort of thing happen to me.

Sighing once again, I quickly got into bed, attempting to find a comfortable position as I twisted and turned to no avail. Glancing around the room, I noted how awfully clean it looked compared to all the other times, the tidiness adding to the sense of unease that hung in the air.

Glancing at my phone, I noticed there weren't any calls or notifications from Liam. I couldn't help but wonder if he was at the ball, having a blast with that Lia.

Not wanting to dwell on things any longer, I pulled the blanket up and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep and escape the whirlwind of thoughts racing through my mind.

Suddenly, there was a click on my window. My eyes widened, and my heart began to beat out of my chest as I cautiously got out of bed. Slowly, I moved the curtain aside, and there he was—Liam, standing outside my window.

Shakily, I opened the window as Liam climbed in. My eyes widened in surprise, even though I had expected him, his presence still felt surreal. I hadn't even known he knew where I lived. It seemed like Liam knew a lot of things about me that I wasn't aware of.

My eyes took him in, Liam clad in casual wear that somehow managed to look effortlessly stylish. It was always a sight to see; he could probably wear a plastic bag and still rock it. Clearly, money afforded him access to some of the best stylists in the country.

His intense blue eyes scanned my form, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth as I caught the approving look he gave me. Blushing in the dimly lit room, I suddenly became self-conscious as his gaze then wandered around my room. I bit my lip nervously, knowing that my room was far from the luxury he was likely accustomed to.

"Your room is quite...." Liam trailed off, his expression thoughtful as if searching for the right word.

"Small? I know, I-I'm s-"

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