35. Proud moment?

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I stepped through the front door of the firm, expecting just another ordinary day at work. But to my utter shock and surprise, the entire lobby was filled with my colleagues, gathered around with smiles on their faces.

A large banner hung from the ceiling, proclaiming "Congratulations Quinn Beaumont," and confetti filled the air, showering down around me.

I stood there, overwhelmed by the unexpected display of celebration. Everyone, including June, who I had worked closely with on the case, shouted their congratulations as they surrounded me. It felt surreal, like a scene from a movie.

"Awe, thank you," I beamed happily.

As my colleagues hugged me and offered me champagne and snacks, I couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. Their genuine excitement and support made me feel appreciated and valued.

"Our boss gave us an hour celebration just for you!" June whispered in my ear excitedly, a gesture that left me astonished.

As they all hugged me and offered me snacks as a way to celebrate our victory, I felt a surge of happiness. Their genuine excitement and support made me feel appreciated and valued.

I had only ever seen partners get celebrated in this way after winning big cases. To have the entire firm come together to celebrate my achievement was truly exciting.

As I basked in the warmth of congratulations and camaraderie from my colleagues, I caught sight of my boss among the crowd. She raised her glass, a smile playing at the corners of her lips, and the room fell silent as all eyes turned to her.

"Congratulations, Quinn," she began, her voice carrying across the room with authority yet warmth. "Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and this victory is a testament to your skill and commitment."

The room erupted into applause as my boss continued, her words filling me with a sense of pride. "You have shown yourself to be a valuable asset to this firm, and I have no doubt that you will continue to achieve great things in your career."

As she finished her toast, my boss caught my eye and nodded towards her office. A wave of curiosity washed over me as I excused myself from the celebration, eager to hear what she had to say.

Upon reaching my boss's office I took a seat, anxiously awaiting her reaction to the news of my recent victory in court. My boss, known for her stoic demeanor, finally glanced up from her desk and fixed me with her usual neutral expression.

"So you've finally shown me you're not useless after all by winning a twenty million dollar case," she stated, her tone proud. "Once sgain, congratulations, Quinn."

Despite her typically reserved nature, her words held a rare warmth that made the achievement feel all the more significant as she continued to praise me.

"Thank you," I replied, trying to conceal the pride that swelled within me. It was a very big victory, and it meant everything to me to finally earn her recognition.

"I watched your case and I see some ups and downs of your case but not to worry, once I'm finished with you, you'll be as spectator as the partners hear at my firm." I smiled hearing her words.

Apart of me wish I was celebrating my victory with Liam even though I shouldn't.

With a heavy heart, I resigned myself to the fact that secrecy was the price I had to pay for my love.

......Wait what?!

I was in love?!

My eyes widened as realization dawned on me: I was in love with Liam, my nonchalant billionaire bully.

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