37. My fairy godmother?

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As I made my way home, my thoughts drifted towards having a well needed nap to think about things clearly.

From winning a significant case and being promoted to Senior Associate to discovering my friend overdosed and in a coma, and then learning about my unexpected pregnancy, it was all too much to bear.

Exhaustion washed over me like a tidal wave as I stepped into my empty apartment.

Collapsing onto the couch, I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. My mind raced with thoughts and emotions, each one more exhausting than the last.

I felt a mixture of joy and apprehension at the news of my pregnancy, coupled with guilt and sorrow for Khloe's situation. The contrast between the highs and lows of the day left me emotionally drained and physically exhausted.

As I drifted off into a well needed sleep, I knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges and uncertainties. But for now, all I could do was rest and try to find solace in the quiet solitude of my own home.

As I lay on the couch, my mind couldn't help but dwell on the news of my pregnancy. I had begged the doctor not to say anything to anyone about it, and thankfully, she assured me that it was a confidential matter and she wouldn't discuss it with anyone else.

Despite the doctor's reassurance, I still couldn't shake the disbelief that coursed through me. Pregnant? It seemed surreal, almost impossible to comprehend. Yet, as I thought back on the past few weeks it all made sense.

Liam and I have been having unprotected sex for weeks. He had emptied himself in me multiple times a day, and now the consequences of our actions were becoming painfully clear.

But I took pills!

I couldn't deny the flutter of anxiousness mixed with apprehension that filled my chest at the thought of becoming a mother. But at the same time, I was filled with uncertainty about the future and the challenges that lay ahead.

A flood of doubt washed over me as I thought about the news of my pregnancy, mingling with my sense of achievement at having been promoted to Senior Associate earlier.

How would this unexpected turn of events affect my future at the firm? Would I be able to balance the demands of my career with the responsibilities of motherhood?

I had just become a Senior Associate for crying out loud.

Liam began to cross my mind, adding an extra layer of difficulty to my already worn-out emotions.

It never occurred to me that I would be in this position with him, the dashing billionaire who used to be my tormentor but, strangely, had turned into a passionate and comforting figure in my life.

But the longer the night went on, the more I realized I had not heard from Liam. I felt a twinge of disappointment when I looked at my phone and saw that he had left no messages or calls.

Even though we had a close relationship and enjoyed many special times together, I felt empty without him since I was gradually growing dependent on him.

It was now seven in the morning. Liam left me at the hospital since three in the evening yesterday and I haven't heard from him since. This was so unlike Liam, especially since it looked urgent when he left.

Placing my hand gently on my stomach, I rubbed the invisible bump, feeling a surge of protective love wash over me. "I promise to keep you safe," I whispered softly to the tiny life growing inside me.

I was lost in contemplation, wondering when would be the best time to break the news to Liam. Would he feel thrilled? Uneasy? A sense of being overwhelmed? I was anxious about his response, and it consumed me.

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