42. No way out.

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Liam's pov

Hours before the Soiree.......

My mind was racing with a string of thoughts and concerns as I hurried home. I was compelled by the gravity of the situation to address my mother about the upsetting developments that had occurred.

I erupted into an outburst of accusations as soon as I entered the room where my mother was.

"You did it didn't you? You tried to kill them." I accused, knowing it was a foolish question to begin with.

"You injected drugs into their bloodstream," I indicted, my voice brimming with rage and disbelief. I was enraged at the idea of someone hurting Quinn's friend.

Even though I didn't think she was any good, it was too near to home for me to ignore, and I was curious as to why she would do harm to Quinn's friend at all.

Was her actions due to Quinn? What was she planning?!

As my accusation hung in the air, my mother's response was chilling. "Tried to kill?" she echoed, her tone icy and detached. "Seems I'll have to go back and finish the work."

Her words sent a shiver down my spine, the implications sinking in with a jolt of realization. I felt a wave of anger come over me, one that was so strong it could destroy everything in its path.

"How could you be so cruel?" I demanded, my voice trembling with outrage. The thought of my own mother plotting such a heinous act filled me with a profound sense of disgust.

But my mother's response was as calm as ever, her demeanor unaffected by my outburst. "You're angry, I've never seen you angry before." she observed, her tone almost clinical in its detachment.

Her remarks made me swift, with a wave of annoyance tearing through me. "Of course, I'm angry," I retorted, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "I've been taught what anger is, Mother. I know damn well how I should feel. I know how to express my feelings."

"It doesn't matter," my mother replied, her voice devoid of any hint of remorse or empathy. "Your therapy and your friends' efforts won't get you anywhere. You're still the same."

"How can you say that?" I demanded, "I've been trying to change, to understand my emotions better. Why does it not matter to you?"

As she spoke, my mother's words sliced through the atmosphere like a dagger, her stare remaining completely cold. "Because your sloppiness almost led to the publication of a damaging article about you and that attorney," she stated matter-of-factly. "I had to take matters into my own hands to protect our family's reputation."

I struggled to process her words, grappling with the realization that my own mother had been willing to harm others to safeguard our family's image. The depth of her ruthlessness left me reeling, a sense of astonishment and disappointment washing over me.

"But at what cost?" I retorted, "How could you justify hurting innocent people for the sake of appearances? Is our reputation really worth more than someone's life? There are a million and one way that situation could've been handled better and you know it."

My mother's expression remained impassive, unmoved by my impassioned pleas. How could it not, I was stupid enough to think otherwise.

"I won't let you harm her," I declared, "You've already taken one life. I won't let you go back and end the other."

But my mother's response was chilling. "Hush up, Liam," she commanded, "I'll put the other six feet under, especially after that little threat of her's."

"I won't stand by and let you commit more wickedness."

Before I could say another word, several of her men appeared behind me, with a swift motion, they confiscated my phone.

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