17. Once a monster, always a monster.

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I sighed closing my laptop, I had spent three hours on my laptop with my boss, the paralegal team, Attorney Mark and the judge who further postponed the trail because of the snow. With such a big billionaire vs billionaire case, they wanted nothing online.

Glancing at my phone, I sighed once again. Khloe hasn't picked up any of my calls or messages which means she must be completely mad at me.

Being Liam's attorney was starting to become quite hard even though it was one of the most easiest cases I have dealth with so far.

As I watched Liam engrossed in his work, his deep blue eyes flicking between his phone and computer screen, I couldn't help but admire him. There was something captivating about the way he handled himself, a confidence and dominance that drew me in despite my best efforts to resist.

As he glanced my way, I quickly averted my gaze, a flush creeping up my cheeks at being caught staring.

His words about me being his consumed me. His words were nothing new to me as he's spoken those words before since high-school, I had always tried my best not to take him serious.

It was easy not to take him serious before as he was surrounded by women and I'd mend my heart not to fall for him, to carve in my mind that my best friend had a crush on him which meant the both of us being together was prohibited.

I busied myself with adjusting the sleeves of his intoxicatingly sweet sweater, the soft fabric offering a comforting warmth against the chill of the snowy evening outside. Thankfully, Liam's heater was keeping me from freezing along with his heater.

I hope Khloe is doing ok.

As I made my way to the sofa, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. Being in Liam's bed always seemed to lead to steamy encounters that left me feeling way too aroused for my own good.

It was a dangerous territory to navigate, especially considering he was essentially my boss and had a history of bullying me.

The memory of our recent passionate kiss lingered in my mind, sending a shiver down my spine as I settled onto the sofa. I couldn't deny that Liam was a darn good kisser, his lips igniting a fire within me that I struggled to extinguish.

And his touch... His hand had a way of eliciting unspeakable blissful sounds from my mouth, each caress sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

It was a dangerous game we played, one that I knew I should resist, but couldn't seem to help myself from indulging in.

As I sank into the comfort of the sofa, I made a silent vow to myself to maintain a safe distance from Liam, to resist the temptation that he embodied. But deep down, I knew that resisting him would be a futile endeavor, for the pull of his touch was too strong to ignore.

As I sat on the sofa lost in my thoughts, I was caught off guard by the sound of footsteps approaching. My eyes widened slightly as I realized Liam was coming in my direction, apprehension swirling within me.

Before I could react, Liam scooped me into his arms effortlessly, the suddenness of the gesture causing my heart to race. His warmth enveloped me as he snuggled his face between my neck, sending a shiver down my spine at the intimate contact.

I couldn't help but feel hazy from his touch, my senses overwhelmed by the closeness of his presence. My mind struggled to form coherent thoughts as I stuttered out, "W-what are you doing?" His arms around me felt wrongfully comforting and warm, a stark contrast to the turmoil of emotions swirling within me.

Despite my confusion and inner turmoil, I couldn't deny the undeniable pull of being wrapped up in his arms. It was a feeling of security and warmth that I couldn't help but crave, even as I tried to push him and those thoughts away.

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