27. My side of the story.

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Liam's pov

I stood by the window in my apartment, watching the city below with a detached curiosity, lost in thought as I thought over Quinn's recent accusations.

Her words echoed in my mind, yet I found myself strangely unaffected by the emotional weight they carried. Was I truly as awful as she claimed? Had I unknowingly crossed some invisible line in my efforts to shield her from the trouble caused by her mentally unstable friend?

As an attorney, one would think she could recognize the need for her friend to seek help.

The weight of her accusations bore down on me, leaving me uncertain of where I went wrong. Every action I took was with her best interests in mind. She should be grateful for my efforts on her behalf.

Maybe I need to head over there right now and fuck some sense into her, damn it.

But why was she so angry at me for revealing her best friend's true colors? I had only spoken the truth about our relationship, hadn't I?

Observing her friend Khloe, there was something about the way she treated Quinn that didn't sit well with me. It wasn't just her demeanor; it was the subtle yet unmistakable hints of condescension and manipulation that bothered me.

Maybe Quinn couldn't see it, blinded by her loyalty to Khloe, but I could sense trouble brewing beneath the surface.

Quinn was like a damn puzzle I couldn't quite figure out, a mystery I couldn't unravel. And yet, she was the one damn thing I couldn't get out of my head—the one thing I was hell-bent on figuring out.

If you ask me, she makes solving scientific mysteries feel like child's play. She pisses me off, and sometimes I wish I could fuck that frustration out of her... in the best way possible.

Why the hell couldn't she just submit to me? The thought kept nagging at me, like a damn thorn in my side that refused to be plucked. And as much as she pissed me off, I couldn't deny the damn pull she had on me, the burning desire to tear through every damn layer until I unearthed everything about her.

"So let me get this straight, you're telling me that our little Bonbon told you she wanted nothing to do with you?" I gave a slight nod to my best friend Cole, who sat next to Noah on the couch, his expression a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

"Was I wrong for telling the truth and getting rid of her pessimistic friend?" I questioned, my voice laced with frustration and annoyance as I took a seat and poured myself a generous cup of Rémy Martin black, the amber liquid swirling in the glass as I contemplated the situation.

"No, but you went about it in the wrong way. And nice job getting her locked down during the blizzard in your bed, while we were out here working our asses off," Cole responded, his tone tinged with sarcasm as he chuckled teasingly at the end.

"She was being aggressive towards Quinn, and it's not my fault you two don't know how to work smarter, not harder," I added smugly, my satisfaction evident in my voice.

If anything, I was glad I was hostile enough to the point that Khloe moved out, freeing Quinn from her toxic influence.

And even more glad Quinn got to spend her days with me.

"Why didn't you just simply go underneath the table and handle her?" Cole questioned, taking a sip of his liquor as he leaned back, his tone casual yet probing.

"Because it's her friend," I replied, my gaze shifting to my phone as I noticed another missed call, it was the third missed call from the past hour.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone except Quinn; whatever it was could wait. The weight of the unresolved situation with Quinn hung heavily on my mind, overshadowing any other concerns or distractions.

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