23. Cats out the bag.

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I step into my home, my heart heavy with worry. The past five days have been a whirlwind of chaos and uncertainty, trapped in the snow blizzard far from home. Yet amidst the turmoil, one thought consumes my every waking moment - Khloe.

The thought of Khloe out there alone in the storm, unreachable and unresponsive to my calls and messages, fills me with a sense of dread. I've been worried sick, unable to shake the nagging feeling that something is wrong.

But there's another worry weighing on my mind - the lie I'm about to tell Khloe. I've been rehearsing it in my head for days, trying to come up with the perfect excuse to explain my absence.

But deep down, I know there's a chance Khloe might not believe me. She's always been able to see through my lies, and the fear of losing her trust eats away at me.

As I stood in the comfort of my home, memories of the intimate moments I shared with Liam flood my mind.

Despite the guilt and regret that tug at my conscience, I can't deny the undeniable connection between us. But the thought of betraying Khloe, of hurting her in such a profound way, fills me with anguish.

Khloe had always spoken so highly of Liam, had always liked him so much. The thought of deceiving her, of hiding the truth about my relationship with Liam, fills me with a deep sense of shame.

I know I need to come clean to Khloe, to tell her the truth about what happened between me and Liam. But the fear of losing her friendship, of facing her disappointment and anger, holds me back.

"Khloe baby?" I called out.

Hearing no sound I went to knock on her room door when suddenly her door slammed open, thankful I was quivk enough to move out the way before it slammed into my face.

I smiled but then my smile faltered seeing her face as she looked at me. Usually she'd be angry and I'd have to work hard to defuse the anger but her face showed hurt and disappointment which only made my heart drop.

Before I could say anything Khloe walked away, nudging my shoulder in the process making me stumble aback.

"So, what's the excuse this time?" She stopped in her track to turn around and question me with an unbothered face as if she cared little about the explanation I was about to give.

"Didn't you see my calls and messages?" I asked, hesitantly, hoping she wouldn't blast me for asking.

Khloe simply scoffed before tutning on her heels and walking away, "Khloe I'm sorry," I pleaded with her and just as I grabbed a hold of her hand she flashes me off.

"Don't touch me." She glared at me, "You're a pathetic excuse for a best friend you know that." She hissed making me do a double take on her.

"You know that's not true!" I shot back.

"Oh really now?" She exaggerated, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Imaging a blizzard of seven feet tall and I've been trying desperately to contact my best friend but she was too busy to even care about picking up, I was worried about you but you clearly cared little enough to not give a damn until the next day!" She lashed out.

"I was busy with work! I was busy gathering evidence for my client when I fell asleep and woke up the next day trying to reach out to you! It was not as if I saw you calling and ignored it, you called when I had fallen asleep." I defended.

Khloe took a step back, her face looking confused as if I had just said something I wasn't supposed to say.

"Wait, you slept at Liam's house while gathering evidence?" She questioned curiously making my eyes widen as she continued "So you've been at Liams home this whole time?" and my heart painfully throbbed knowing she had caught onto me.

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