29. Makeup sex.

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I stepped out of the bathroom, the warmth of the shower still clinging to my skin as I dried my hair with a towel.

It had been three long days since Khloe's sudden departure, leaving me feeling profoundly alone in the empty house. Guilt gnawed at me as I replayed our last conversation in my mind, wishing I had been a better friend to her in her time of need.

As Liam's calls and messages persisted, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt creeping over me. Ignoring him felt cruel, even if he was responsible for Khloe's absence.

No, I was also responsible, I could've said no but I simply loved how my body felt against his, I was indulged in it just as he was.

I couldn't deny the undeniable pull he had on me, despite the chaos he had brought into my life.

Regret washed over me as I remembered my heated exchange, my anger boiling over in a way I hadn't experienced before. Despite blaming him for everything, including my own actions, I found myself shamelessly craving his presence in every form.

With a resigned sigh, I pushed aside my conflicting emotions and focused on the task ahead. I knew I couldn't avoid him forever, especially with the ongoing case hanging over us.

As I dried my hair with a towel, there was a knock on my door which interrupted my thoughts, signaling an unexpected visitor at my doorstep.

My heart raced with curiosity, wondering who could be standing on the other side. Could it be Khloe, finally returning after our recent fallout?

As I opened the door, my gaze met Liam's piercing blue eyes, all thoughts evaporated from my mind, replaced by a potent mix of curiosity and......lust.

His dominant and commanding presence sent a shiver down my spine, and I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from him. His eyes roamed over me, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable in his presence.

"What are you-"

Before I could even form a coherent thought, Liam's sudden movement took me off guard. Without warning, his lips crashed down on mine with a force that left me breathless. The kiss was overwhelming, igniting a fire within me that I couldn't ignore even though I know I should.

His lips were firm and demanding, pressing against mine with a hunger that sent waves of desire coursing through my body. I found myself melting into the kiss, unable to resist the raw passion and intensity of his touch.

Every movement of his lips against mine sent sparks flying, igniting a fierce longing deep within me. It was a kiss that consumed me entirely, leaving me breathless and completely under his spell.

As Liam's tongue slid into my mouth, I returned the kiss, experiencing our desires tumbling dangerously close to the edge.

As he drew me toward him, our tongues fought for supremacy, I could feel his cock on my thigh, and I broke off from the kiss panting for air. Liam's eyes screamed hunger.

Liam's voice, low and husky, broke the silence first. "I've missed this," he murmured, his fingers tracing lazy patterns along my skin. "Being with you like this, it feels... right."

"It's only been two days," I blushed, trying to protest, but Liam paid no heed.

He lifted me effortlessly, wrapping my legs around his waist as he kissed me passionately, his lips hungry against mine. With a swift motion, he locked the door, and a sudden slap on my ass left me gasping, my arousal surging even further within his kiss.

I kissed him back hard, I wanted him, I needed him, I missed him.

I moaned in his moan as he brought me to my bed and laid me on it. My body felt heated just watching him as he removes his clothes, I blushed seeing his member standing up for me.

Without hesitation, Liam stripped off my shorts and slipped my underwear to the side, his touch sending shivers down my spine as he exposed me completely to his gaze.

I bit my lips as he came down onto me kissing me once again, "Did I not say you belong to me Quinn?" Liam teased peppering kisses on my neck while his member played with my clit.

A soft moan escapes my lips, my hand playing within his hair just as I felt him penetrate me, his shaft slowly going in, I moaned into his kiss as my core adjust to take him all inside me.

"Oh god," I breathed as Liam slowly began to thrust into me, his movements deliberate and extreme.

His hand spread my legs further apart, granting him full access to all of me. With each thrust, I felt the pace quicken, sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I screamed as Liam grinds into me, his grunts reverberating throughout the room.

Liam fucks me hard, sending a thrill coursing through my body as I desperately pleaded for him to fuck me harder, lost in the intensity of our passion.

"Oh God damn," Liam groans ripping my pussy apart.

Liam's low, guttural groan sent a jolt of arousal straight through me, my body quivering with anticipation as he ravished me with his desire.

With a primal need, Liam plunged into me with a force that left me gasping for air, my senses overwhelmed by the raw dominance over my body.

I clung to him desperately, my nails digging into his skin as he drove me to the brink of ecstasy.

His fingers expertly teasing my sensitive clit, a wave of ecstasy crashed over me, sending me spiraling into a state of pure bliss. My head fell back, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as I surrendered to the pleasure coursing through my veins.

With a breathless moan, I surrendered to the overwhelming sensation, my body arching eagerly towards his touch. "Do whatever you want with me," I pleaded, my voice filled with need and desire.

Liam's breath was hot against my ear as he whispered, "You always feel so damn good." His words sent a shiver down my spine.

With each deep, primal moan that escaped his lips, I felt my own desire grow even stronger, my body responding eagerly to his every touch and caress.

"Beg for my cock." Liam's ground, his hand tightened around my neck making me even more aroused as he fucks me nicely.

"Please!" I begged, my voice pleading with desperation.

"Not good enough. Try again," Liam smirked, his movements becoming even more intense as he pounded into me relentlessly.

"Please Liam!"

"You're mine to play with and do whatever I fucking want to," Liam growled possessively, his dominance only fueling my arousal further.

"I'm going to come!" I screamed, biting my lip as waves of pleasure washed over me, his relentless thrust into my pussy driving me to the edge of ecstasy.

Liam growls in my ear, "Are you going to cum for me?"

"I love how desperate you are for my cock," he whispered softly, his breath hot against my skin as he continues to fuck me roughly.

Sweat drips down our skin, my cries of pleasure echoed through the room as Liam signaled for me to let go, granting me permission to climax.

Heavily intoxicated by Liam's fuck, I screamed at the top of my lungs, my body convulsing with pleasure as Liam unleashed his release deep inside me.


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