10. Court is Adjourned.

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"All rise," the bailiff's voice echoed through the courtroom, snapping me out of my reverie. With a deep breath, I rose to my feet, my heart pounding with anticipation.

Standing before the court, I sweep my gaze over the room, taking in the serious faces of the judge, the attentive jury members, and the impassive figure of Mr. Beaumont, flanked by his lawyer, Mark. Determination flickers in my eyes as I prepare to present my case.

Glancing towards Steele looking very dapper next to me I couldn't help but be even more nervous than ever, I was representing a very big billionaire. Liam then turn to see me his blue eyes showing pride in them for me, I quickly looked away, he had so much confidence in me.

What if-

"In the matter of Steele versus Beaumont, the court is now in session," the judge announces, his voice cutting through the silence. I steady myself, ready to seize the opportunity to prove my client's innocence.

"Your Honor, esteemed members of the jury," I begin, my voice clear and confident, "We are here today to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that my client, Mr. Steele, is the rightful owner of the blueprint for the luxurious hotel in Bermuda. This blueprint was stolen and used to create an exact replica by Mr. Beaumont, the defendant in this case."

Mark, Mr. Beaumont's lawyer, rose from his seat, his demeanor oozing confidence. "Your Honor, esteemed members of the jury, my client, Mr. Beaumont, categorically denies these baseless accusations. There is no evidence to suggest that he had any involvement in the alleged theft of Mr. Steele's blueprint. We will demonstrate that Mr. Beaumont's hotel was the result of his own original ideas and hard work."

As I continue to carefully set out my case, piece by piece, I feel the weight of the room's focus on me. I can feel the doubt in the air with every word I say, the difficulty of persuading a jury of Mr. Steele's innocence against Mr. Beaumont's strong defense.

But as Mark rises to present his client's defense, I feel a sense of unease creeping in. His arguments are sharp and compelling, poking holes in my carefully constructed case.

"Again, we categorically deny these baseless accusations," Mark asserts confidently, his voice carrying across the courtroom. "There is no evidence to suggest that my client, Mr. Beaumont, had any involvement in the alleged theft of Mr. Steele's blueprint."

As the arguments continue to fly back and forth, my confidence begins to waver. Despite my best efforts, the weight of the evidence—or lack thereof—threatens to undermine my case. I fight to maintain my composure, to rally against the mounting doubt and uncertainty.

In the end, despite my impassioned plea and valiant efforts, the jury remains unmoved. With not enough evidence, claims, or witnesses to back me up, I fail to prove Mr. Steele's case right.

As the judge's gavel echoes through the courtroom, declaring the adjournment, a sinking feeling wash over me. The disappointment of defeat weighs heavy on my shoulders, but I push it aside, focusing on the determination to regroup and strategize for the next round in this high-stakes legal battle.

"We will adjourn the court meeting until Wednesday and give the lawyers more time to gather evidence and prepare their cases. Court is adjourned."

"Thank you, Your Honor." I say feeling a bit relieved as I let out a sigh.

"Splendid job." Liam whispers in my ear, his eyes showing nothing but pride but yet I couldn't help but feel like a failure.

As I gather my papers and begin to exit the courtroom, Mark, Mr. Beaumont's lawyer, approaches me with a smug smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well, Quinn," he says, his tone dripping with condescension. "Looks like your little charade didn't quite go as planned, did it?"

I grit my teeth, refusing to let his taunts get to me. "Just you wait, Mark," I retort, my voice tinged with defiance. "This isn't over yet. I'll be back on Wednesday, and I'll come back stronger than ever."

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