21. Spending time together.

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Snuggled closer, I basked in the warmth and complete comfort, feeling stress-free for the first time in ages. A smile spread across my face as I opened my eyes, only to realize that my head was resting on Liam's chest.

Immediately, I tried to pull away, surprised by the closeness, but Liam quickly pulled me back into his arms, his embrace both reassuring and overwhelming. My cheeks flushed as memories of our intimate night flooded back.

I remembered being awoken four times during the night, into the wee hours of the morning, with Liam's insatiable desire to dominate my body in every possible way and form, each encounter leaving me breathless and wanting more.

As I lifted the sheets off my body, I realized I was wearing one of his shirts. I sighed in relief, grateful that at least I wasn't naked.

Now that I had sobered up and the hostile ache between my thighs for him had subsided, I began to feel the consequences of my actions for sleeping with the man Khloe wanted to get married to.

The weight of guilt and regret settled heavily on my shoulders as I faced the reality of sleeping with my tormentor.

"Good morning, Bonbon," he greeted me with a warm smile, using the nickname we had shared since our first meeting as children.

"Good morning, Mr. Steele," I murmured in response, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Despite my inner turmoil, I couldn't deny the strange sense of comfort that came with waking up in bed with Liam. It was a feeling I could easily get used to, but deep down, I knew I shouldn't.

I smiled, though I knew I shouldn't be feeling this way, but the moment was fleeting as Liam spoke.

"Now that we've established you owe me sex every week, well at least twice in one week considering you have a five-day cycle, I think it's only fair you move in with me," Liam stated matter-of-factly.

I glared up at him, but he blatantly ignored my expression. Why was he so adamant about me moving in with him? And how on earth did he know about my five day—Nevermind.

Then, a horrid thought crossed my mind, making me gasp. For how long would I be having sex with this devil? He hadn't specified a timeframe, although I surely wouldn't mind being pleased by him. However, that goes against all ethical reasoning, and I couldn't help but feel conflicted about the situation.

Liam's eyes were keenly watching me as I glanced away, attempting to hide my face from his scrutiny. "We'll only have sex for a month," I quickly blurted out blushing, hoping to deflect his advances as I tried to get out of bed.

Before I could make a move, Liam swiftly pulled me back into his arms, causing me to fall back onto the bed with him half on top of me.

My heart raced as I found myself trapped beneath him, his gaze holding me captive as I struggled to come to terms with the unexpected turn of events.

A smirk adorned his handsome lips as he spoke, "The deal was for a year, but because I'm a considerate man, I'll cut it back to six months only." My eyes widened at his audacity, stunned by his willingness to negotiate such an intimate arrangement.

Unsurprisingly, I found myself feeling rather aroused by his sudden proximity. Liam used his nose to brush against the contours of my skin, sending shivers of delight coursing through me as I struggled to maintain my composure in the face of his seductive advances.

"T-the last time I checked, Liam, the only specific deal that was made was four times a month," I corrected him, my voice almost betraying a moan.

"Let's not pretend as if you don't want it," Liam cockily retorted, his confidence unwavering as he continued to assert his dominance in the situation.

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