11. Ill intentions.

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"I plan on getting a gag request in order to prevent the media from interfering with the case," I informed my boss confidently.

"You will do no such thing," my boss, Mrs. Allen, retorted firmly, causing my eyes to widen in surprise. "Do you realize what this could mean for us if you win that case?"

"It could sway public opinion and make it harder for us to get a fair trial," I explained, hoping to convey the potential risks involved.

"Don't play stupid," my boss hissed, her glare piercing through me. "All you need to do is make sure you win that case. Try not to be nervous. Anyway, I hear you're doing a lot better on this one than the two previous cases. Keep it up and remember not to disappoint me," she urged, her tone firm yet subtly encouraging.

I nodded in acknowledgment, "You may leave," she dismissed me with a wave of her hand, shooing me out of the room.

As I stepped out, I couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Despite the tense exchange, I found solace in the fact that things weren't looking too bad for me. Dealing with a hostile boss would have been a nightmare. At least she acknowledged that I wasn't doing too bad on the case, which was a small victory in itself.

I knew I needed to get to Liam and find out what dirt he might have on this man. There was a nagging feeling in my gut that he was hiding something, perhaps a winning card that could turn the case in our favor.

But amidst the pressing concerns of the case, my mind drifted back to last night with Khloe. I couldn't help but feel grateful for her understanding. She knew that Liam being my client was not something I had orchestrated, and her support meant more to me than I could express.

At first, Khloe was understandably skeptical, questioning why Liam would choose me to be his client. I had to come up with an explanation, so I told her that he was still bullying me, hoping to ruin my career after failing his case. It was a desperate attempt to make her understand, to convince her of the truth behind his motives.

Even after sharing this with her, she still held onto her belief that Liam was a good person, someone she planned to marry soon. Despite my efforts to paint a clearer picture of his true nature, Khloe's unwavering faith in Liam left me feeling utterly confused and flabbergasted.

I made my way over to June, "Still nothing?" II inquired, hoping for a breakthrough, but she shook her head with a confirming sigh.

I sighed, "The moment there is a confirmation, please let me know," I requested, hoping for some progress in our investigation.

"We will," June assured me, her voice holding a hint of determination, and I nodded in acknowledgment before turning to walk away.

As I turned around, my chest collided with that of a Senior Associate, causing a moment of awkwardness.

"I'm so sorry," I sheepishly apologized, feeling flustered by the unexpected encounter.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," she reassured me with a warm smile. "You must be Quinn. My team and I were just planning on having dinner. Why don't you join us?" she suggested, extending a friendly invitation.

Lunch with senior associates?! They knew me?

"No, I have a few things I need to get done before-" I began, but she cut me off.

"Nonsense, just like you, we're all busy with high-stakes cases. It's best to always work smart instead of hard," she insisted, her tone firm but friendly. Without waiting for me to respond, she immediately took charge and pulled me along.

"This is Gray, Michael, Lia, Christine, and I'm Jessica," she introduced me to the others, including herself. "Lia here is a new lawyer here at Horizon Law Group," she added.

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