16. Bloody Bastard.

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"You're awake," Liam said from behind me.

"You bloody bastard, you knew exactly what you were doing from the very start, didn't you!" I hissed at him, turning to face him with a mixture of anger and disbelief in my eyes.

Upon facing the bastard my lips simultaneously parted, dressed in sweatpants along with an open robe displaying his very impressive and succulent abs, messy wet hair I could just die to rake my hands in. I just couldn't help but admire how sophisticatedly handsome he looked.

"Yes, I knew," he admitted, his confession snapping me out of my reverie.

"Why would you do such a thing?" I questioned, glaring at him, demanding an explanation for his actions.

"Because you're an irresponsible adult. While you're very good at your job, you can be neglectful of your own health. That's why you're here, so that I can take very good care of you myself," he explained, his tone matter-of-fact.

I scoffed at his words before shooting the handsome billionaire a glare, but he completely ignored my reaction.

"It's my damn body, and whether or not I choose to be neglectful with it is absolutely none of your concern," I snapped back at him.

"It is actually, you're overseeing my case. I need you healthy. Neglecting personal health can lead to decreased motivation and a higher risk of burnout. Therefore, prioritizing personal health is essential for maintaining productivity and achieving success. Plus, you don't have a heater at your home. It will be quite cold; you'd never survive," Liam explained calmly.

I gasped after hearing his last words, not because of his pathetic excuse, but because my best friend was at home without a heater. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, flooding me with guilt and concern for her well-being.

"Khloe must be freezing," I murmured to myself, feeling despair for my best friend.

"She'll survive," Liam replied dismissively, his tone lacking empathy or concern.

His heartless response only fueled my frustration and anger towards him, as I couldn't understand how he could be so indifferent to someone's well-being, especially that of my closest friend.

"She must be worried about my whereabouts considering this horrible snow and the fact that I didn't come back home last night," I said, my voice tinged with concern as I scanned the room for my personal belongings.

"Get back in bed," Liam ordered abruptly, stopping me in my tracks just as I had flung the sheets off my body, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"You're not the boss of me, Liam. You can't tell me what to do. I'm a grown woman, not a child. Honestly, I'm tired of saying this!" I scoffed at his bossy behavior, my frustration evident in my tone as I asserted my independence.

Always bullying me around.

"Technically, I am the boss of you, and while you're not a child and I'm unable to tell you what to do, I can force you to do what I want you to as long as it's something to do with your well-being," Liam said casually, walking over to me and making my eyes widen in disbelief.

"W-what are you doing?" I stammered, my heart pounding in my chest as he came nearer to me. His eyes never leaving mine as they gleamed deviously, sending shivers down my spine.

Suddenly, Liam was standing just above me, his deep blue eyes keenly watching me, and I blushed as my eyes cast down towards his very succulent and toned abs. I didn't need my hands to run across his well-sculpted body; all I needed was my tongue to—

Suddenly, my hand was yanked towards him, interrupting my thoughts, and I felt confused as his eyes scanned my hand, his expression unreadable.

"Your cold," Liam pointed out, his tone softening as he observed me.

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