9. In his bed.

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I groaned in annoyance as the curtains were suddenly drawn, flooding the room with unwanted light. "Please turn off the lights!" I hissed, feeling my frustration mounting as I buried myself underneath the covers in a desperate attempt to block out the brightness.

"Can't you be a little more thoughtful!" I hissed at Khloe, frustration evident in my voice. I was exhausted and in desperate need of sleep, and the intrusion of light at such an early hour only added to my irritation. Judging by the chilliness of the room, I guessed it was around 5:00 am, a time far too early for any reasonable person to be awake.

Despite my annoyance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at my ability to sense the temperature of the room with such accuracy. The thought almost made me giggle sleepily, but the relentless brightness thwarted any hope of drifting off into slumber.

After a few more seconds of futile attempts at sleep, I resigned myself to the fact that rest was elusive. Sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes tiredly, I became increasingly aware of my surroundings.

The sheets felt unfamiliarly soft against my skin, and the freshness of the room served as a stark reminder that this was not my own bedroom.

Stretching out my hand I yawned, "Khloe I think we need to switch rooms." I say slowly peeling my eyes open.

The first thing I took notice of was the fact that I was wearing a white t-shirt, and upon smelling it, my eyes widened in recognition. This t-shirt smelled like...

"As much as I'd love to see you in my bed all day, I'm eager to hear the explanation you have for being at a club and almost sleeping with a random man," Liam's voice cut through the air, interrupting my thoughts and sending a jolt of shock through my body.

"L-Liam?" I whispered in shock.

Oh my gosh did I sleep with Liam?!

"No, we did not," Liam answered, his voice calm and composed as if he could read my exact thoughts.

"Y-you don't even know what I was thinking," I murmured, feeling a surge of embarrassment at being caught off guard by his response.

Despite my attempt to deflect his observation, I couldn't shake the feeling of being exposed under his penetrating gaze.

"You were wondering if we had slept together," Liam responded, "I'll have you know that I'm a gentleman. I would never take advantage of a drunk woman. I need to make sure they have perfect recollection whenever I'm pounding their core." He smirks making me gasp.

I gasped at his audacity, taken aback by his brazenness. Liam's lack of decorum was glaringly evident, and it was clear that he had no qualms about speaking his mind, no matter how crude or inappropriate.

I took in his attire, recognizing that Liam was the epitome of rugged charm. His tousled hair framed a chiseled jawline, and his piercing blue eyes held a magnetic allure that was impossible to ignore.

Clad in casual attire that hugged his now-muscular frame, a far cry from his slender high school days, he exuded an effortless allure that left me foolishly in awe.

As he lounged comfortably on the sofa before me, his presence commanded attention, igniting a primal desire within me that I found both unsettling and unfortunate.

As I sat there, taking in Liam's rugged charm and feeling a mix of admiration and desire, a memory from the previous night suddenly flooded back to me. I remembered how much I had partied, indulging in drinks and losing myself.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude that I was a lightweight when it came to alcohol. Three shots of liquor had been enough to render me drunk as a bat, sparing me from waking up with a pounding headache or a churning throat.

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