31. Easy way out.

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Khloe's pov

"That bastard!" I yelled.

I paced back and forth in the living room, my heels clicking sharply against the tiled floor with each restless step.

With a frustrated huff, I reached out and turned off the television, unable to stomach another moment of the meaningless chatter that failed to capture the scandal consuming my thoughts.

"You need to have patience," Grayson's voice cut through the silence, his tone gentle but firm as he watched me with concern from his place on the couch while flipping through magazines.

"Patience?" I whirled around, my eyes ablaze with frustration. "It's been three fucking days since we leaked that juicy news to the press, and yet there's nothing! Nothing about my ex-best friend sleeping with her client plastered all over the news and tabloids like it should be!" My words crackled with resentment, punctuated by the tight clenching of my fists.

Grayson rose from the couch, his expression showing annoyance as he approached me. "I understand your anger, but these things take time. We have to trust that the truth will come out, even if it's not on our timeline plus there's no way one of the top publishing team in this country would give us fifty grand only to not publish it. It's too big."

"I want to bring that whore down today, Grayson, not tomorrow." I exclaimed, my voice rising in frustration. "I want to expose the fraid for the whore she is, I wanted to watch her world crumble at my feet, no matter the cost."

"I think something's wrong," I muttered biting my nail, my voice laced with suspicion as I turned to face Grayson. "The fact that there's no news about Quinn in the media yet is suspicious. I need to find out what's taking so long."

Grayson's eyes narrowed, his expression uncharacteristically serious. "Khloe, be patient. We can't afford to make any rash moves."

But I wasn't as optimistic as Grayson was. Ignoring his warning, I reached for my purse, determination burning in my veins. I dialed the reporter's number once again, but it went straight to voicemail, fueling my growing unease.

As I stood there, about to leave in search of answers, Grayson's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "Khloe, don't do anything stupid and mess this fucking up for us," he cautioned, his tone tinged with urgency as I could hear his foot steps behind me.

Just as I reached for the doorknob, my eyes widened in utter shock. My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the person before me, a chilling realization dawning upon me as I took a step backwards.

"Who the hell are you people?" Grayson's voice boomed with anger as a few guards dressed in black stepped into the room, wielding metal detectors with practiced precision.

A woman I knew all to well exuding power strode into the room, her attire matching that of a powerful elite figure in the world. With a commanding presence, she surveyed the room, her gaze piercing as she assessed the situation.

The security team quickly went to work, scanning the room for any signs of surveillance devices. "Nothing seems to be bugged, ma'am," one of the guards reported to the woman.

Grayson's temper flared once again, his frustration notable as he demanded answers. "Who the fucking hell are you people?! You can't just barge into someone's apartment without getting permission." he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls.

I stood frozen in fear and disbelief, unable to find my voice as I glanced towards Grayson, silently pleading for him to shut the hell up.

The weight of the situation pressed down on me, a knot of anxiety tightening in my chest as I prayed that Grayson wouldn't do anything rash in the face of this powerful woman.

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