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Song: Style
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

Song: StyleArtist's Name: Taylor Swift___________-🌼-

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"Elijah, please stay."
I roll my eyes in annoyance. Does this fucker ever heard of hungriness. He curls his hand for me to follow him to his desk.

"What do you want." I spit out glaring at him. "Elijah, your grades have been.. eh.. not the best.."

"So?" I continue to glare at him, as he narrows his eyes at me. "So, I think you need to get a tutor."

I immediately cough out, even though I wasn't eating anything. "Bullshit. I'm not a high schooler anymore? I'm in college you fucker."

"Language. And, you need a tutor, because if your grades do not raise this semester.. we will be pulling you out of football."

I grip my hair with my hands, frustrated. "Then who's my tutor?" He adjust s his glasses scrolling his eyes on the ePaper for a second before focusing his gaze back to me.

"Miss Summer Kristen Hills."

I freeze at the mention of her name. She can't be my tutor?! We hate each other, she's just gonna fucking ramble about me being the most annoying and stupid  person she's ever met in her entire life.

I curse under my breath, as he shoos me outside. I slam the classroom door, heading towards the cafeteria.

A swarm of girls are already heading towards me, as I roll my eyes. "Elijah, come over later at my house?" One of the girls says winking at me.

I smile at them sweetly, before pushing everyone aside, hearing a few dramatic gasps from those whores.

I walk over to our table. I can already hear jaxon and ace arguing about something again.

"What're you kids arguing about now." I casually say, making Elliot chuckle beside Jaxon.

"He just told me that apple juice is better than orange juice!!" Jaxon exclaims pointing dramatically at ace.

"I hate orange. Who the fuck likes orange?" Jaxon scoffs across from him. "Uhm.. let me count.. EVERYONE?!"

I laugh sitting beside ace "To be honest, apple juice just looks like piss and I hate apples so yeah. Orange juice is better."

"TOLD YOU SUCKER!!" Jaxon exclaims doing his happy dance. I laugh at them, as ace sits there grumpy like a ninety year old neighbor, that didn't have coffee in the morning.

I head towards the food counter, about to get in line, when a petite blonde girl bumps into me.

The girl looks up, and the girl happens to be.. Summer. She raises an eyebrow, a sI roll my eyes at her.

"Watch where you're going." I say harshly. She just rolls her eyes at my words. "Excuse me?"

"You're fucking excused." I state, bumping my arm on her shoulder on purpose, before heading towards the counter.

"Just a taco and mangoes." The lunch lady nods, while getting me an orange juice on the way.

"Here you go," I mumble a thank you to her, before walking back to the table.

"Hey, Eli wanna come to Silas' party later?" I hear ace question. "Sure," Silas was summer's older brother, so she's gonna be there for sure.

Wait. Why am I even thinking about her?

I shake off my thoughts, and decided to continue eating my lunch, while chatting with my friends.

Hey Sunshines!! Thanks For reading the secondChapter of Fake it til' weMake it!! Hotel you enjoyed it!TYSM!!<3 STAY PRETTY

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Hey Sunshines!! Thanks
For reading the second
Chapter of Fake it til' we
Make it!! Hotel you enjoyed it!

Question of the chapter:
What's your favorite
Taylor Swift song?
Write your answers in the
Comments lovelies!!<3

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