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Song: Betty
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

Song: BettyArtist's Name: Taylor Swift__________-💐-

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"Elliot or... Elijah..?"
Her eyes widened, as her lip trembled at the mention of my name. Any of us had no idea with who she was gonna choose.

She looked at me and Elliot. Godamn that fucking look she gives to Elliot. What a fucker.

I'm losing it, fuck.

"Uhm.. Summer..?" Angelina questions her again. I look around to see her to minions already panicking, and so is her brother.

Silas is already glaring at her. She breathes heavily before shocking everyone.

She mumbles quietly looking at Angelina. Silas' eyes widen. I roll my eyes.

She really chose me? The guy who broke her heart?! "I'm not dealing with this shot anymore." I mumble getting up, and getting Inez with me.

I can already see the tears welling up in her eyes. It breaks my heart knowing I'm the one who's making her cry every time.

I scoff, before heading outside the library. "Elijah, what was that?" I next questions me in disbelief.

"The fuck do you mean?" I say rolling my eyes. "She was literally crying. Its like I could feel her heart break?!"

"So? She's not the one I want to be with." I say my heart breaking slightly. She shakes her head, heading downstairs not even waiting for me.

A sudden slam and shut makes me turn around. It was harlowe. She glared at me crossing her arms.

"Really Elijah?! First you make her fake date you, then you break her heart, and then you refuse to care about her, when she literally told you she loved you?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

My eyebrows scrunch at her words. "Elijah. You don't understand. You're the fucking reason why she cried more than she ever did. Did you know that she's been going through a lot?! She's always been going through a lot."

"Like what." I say folding my arms. "Like constantly proving yourself to everyone so they won't hate you any further, like getting beaten up every single fucking day by your mother because you were just a fucking mistake she picked up at the adoption center, like trying to become the best she can so you can love her the way she is, like getting her heart broken for a millionth time, like.. constantly thinking if she should just kill herself.. since she's.. worthless..?!"

I freeze at her words. "She's tried for so long. You see the scars on her wrists all over her body? That's all her. That's all her mother. And here you are, not even giving a single second of your time for her?!"

"You the worst fucking person." She says harshly glaring at me, purposely bumping her shoulder onto mine when she passed.

She's messed up.

She's messed up

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