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Song: Ribs
Artist's Name: Lorde

"Wait, He just did that!!"Me and my dad die of laughter, from watching the show

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"Wait, He just did that!!"
Me and my dad die of laughter, from watching the show. I clutch my stomach, happy tears already shedding.

"Whoa, that show got me crying!!" I exclaim, as my dad turns off the tv. He laughs with me, whilst hugging me, "I missed doing this with you, honey."

"I missed this too, dad." I can feel his smile from me calling him dad. "I love you dad."

"I love you too, sweetheart."


"So, how have you guys been there?"
They smile at me, laughing. "We've been good, how have you been?"

"I'm good, me and Elijah are in good terms." I reply through the screen. "We miss you summer, come home soon!!"

I smile at them, "Of course," they hang up saying goodbye. I shut my laptop, laying down the bed.

It had been a week since we're here in L.A, and it's been pretty good, we're leaving the day after tomorrow, since my dad's birthday is tomorrow.

I get up, feeling hungry. I slide the stairs railing ot reach downstairs, and see the boys huddled up by the counter.

"Hey," I greet them, getting a drink from the fridge. They nod at me, as a response.

"Hey summer, where do you think we should go for dad's birthday tomorrow?" Silas asks.

"Uh.." Wait, maybe we can go to that beach restaurant we always go to, when we come here in L.A.

"How about the Kauwela Restaurant?"


"Where are we going..?"
My dad questions through the blindfold. "It's a surprise, dad."

We finally reach the restaurant, we reserved a special spot. "Uh, reservation for Silas Hills?" I whisper at the waiter.

"Ah, yes follow me." We follow him to the top deck, as the boys gasp at the pretty view.

We were eating at the top balcony, with the sunset shining down at us, and beautiful Hawaiian dancers dancing, by the side.

We finally took off dad's blindfold, as his eyes widen at the sight. He looks around, before a tear sheds from his eye.

Me and Silas come over and hug him passionately. "You're the best kids anyone could ever have." He mumbles making us both smile.

"Happy birthday, dad."


"And then, Silas ran to the locker room, and bumped into the clear glass!!"
Ace said laughing.

Me and my dad join in laughing, as I hit Silas' arm with my palm. "Anyways Gabriel, do you know about Silas' girlfriend?" The boys ask.

Dad's eyebrows raise so far up the skies. "Finally, Silas has a girlfriend!!" Dad cheers, jumping up and down.

We laugh at him, as he settles down. "So son, who is this girlfriend of yours?" All the boys drumrolled, as they showed a picture of Astrid.

"She's Astrid." He introduces shyly. "My oh my, what a beautiful little girl." My dad exclaims.

"She's my best friend dad," I say smirking. "Oh, I see.." he lowers his glasses even more to observe the picture.

"You should bring her over here sometime, son!" We chuckle as ace clears his throat.

"Did you also know that your daughter has a boyfriend?"

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