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Song: Wonderland
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

"Yeah, and he straight up punched him?!"I huff, telling them the story

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"Yeah, and he straight up punched him?!"
I huff, telling them the story. They give each other a look, before turning their head.

"He's jealous." They say in unison. "NO FUCKING WAY!!" I say laughing. "You're kidding right?!" I say clutching on my stomach from laughing so much.

"Wait. You guys are actually serious.." I reply, clearing my throat. "Oh come on, he's—"

My phone vibrated in my lap, as I opened it. "It's a text from Elijah." I say casually staring at the phone.

They both squeal, running over to me like lost puppies. "Let me see!!" Astrid exclaims. "No, Me first!!"

Elijah: Summer, can we talk.
• Read at 11:43
Elijah: Summer please don't ignore me
Me: Why should I..
Elijah: Let's talk, I'm calling.
Me: What?
• Read at 11:44

"OH MY GOSH HE'S CALLING!!" They exclaim jumping and screaming like hungry hyenas.

Yeah? What did you wanna talk about?
Summer, I'm sorry.
(Scoffs) As you should
Please forgive me, I just got a bit overboard..
A bit?
Okay.. maybe I was really overboard
Yes you were, and what will you do in return for me to forgive you..?
Anything just for you.
(Clears throat) Uhm.. I'll t-think about.. it..
Alright, bye Sunshine.

I slightly freeze at his previous words. Anything just for you. The girls laugh at me hysterically.

"You are in love bitch!"


"Please study for the test tomorrow, and you can now have your lunch." Yes, finally!!

I swing my bag over my shoulder, walking towards the exit. I walk towards my locker, putting my bag inside.

"Hey." A voice greets me, as I close my locker. "Oh, it's you." I reply kind of startled.

"Sit with me, Astrid and harlowe are sitting at our table too." I only nod at him, smiling sweetly.

He smiles a time back his dimples showing. Wow, those dimples are hot and cute.

I walk beside him towards the cafeteria, as he swiftly places his arma round my waist.

"Elijah." I warn him, not meeting his eyes. "Just enjoy the moment, sunshine." He mumbles back chuckling.

I roll my eyes playfully, as we sit down. "You guys are already good?" Ace questions me.

I smile at him slightly. "Summer, did you know this dude was getting drunk as shit last night because of you?" Jaxon states, making Elijah glare at him hard.

"Really..?" I question him smirking. "No, I was not." I chuckle at him continuing to eat my food.

I take a sip of my water, as they continue to ramble about things that happened last night.

I thought about the phone call I received just a week ago. My father had told me to meet up with him tonight at the fancy restaurant for some matters, and he told me to bring my boyfriend. But I don't have one. Just as I was about to worry, I found the perfect answer.. I tapped Elijah's shoulder, as his hazel eyes flashed mine.

"I know what you can do in return, Elijah."


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