288 3 6

Song: Good 4 u
Artist's Name: Olivia Rodrigo

"GO TIGERS!!!"Ow, my throat was already sore from all the screaming

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Ow, my throat was already sore from all the screaming. It was currently 8-8 One more point!!

Silas takes the ball, runs across the field.. ace tackles some players, walks past them.


Fuck, the other team takes it. Luke runs for it but trips. Oh fuck yes!! Elijah steals the ball again and..


Run, run, run!! And... YES!! TOUCHDOWN. YES BABY!! We jump excitedly, with loads of screaming.

Fuck yes Elijah!!

We hurry over to the boys coming towards us. "Oh my god you guys did so good!!" I say screaming.

"You did so good baby!!" Harlowe exclaims kissing ace. "Wow, baby huh?" I ask chuckling.

Harlowe just shrugs at me, as I continue laughing. Astrid heads over to Silas and hugs him.

As they release from the hug, I gesture Silas to kiss her. Silas gets ahold of Astrid's waist, and kisses her deeply.

"Wow, it's so preppy in here." I joke, folding my arms. "Want me to kiss you too?" Luke jokes walking over to me.

"Knock it off Lucas," He raises an eyebrow leaning to me. "Where's my congratulation kiss at?"

I roll my eyes playfully, while laughing. I get on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek, leaving a pink lip stain.

"Happy?" He chuckles at me. "Very," He says winking at me. I playfully hit his arm.

"God, stop fucking flirting you two." I hear Elijah's voice echo. Luke chuckles at him.

"Why?" I ask elijah curiously. He just rolls his eyes, as I walk over to him. "Cause it's fucking annoying."

"Jealous?" I repeat his word from yesterday, making him slightly freeze. "Don't let that ego get to you too much." He says poking my temple with his index finger.

I roll my eyes at him. "Hey, you guys wanna come over to my house tonight?" Silas asks, and all of them nod.

Fuck, nothing's worse than having Elijah in my house. Ughhh. We all head towards the car.

Jaxon, and Bryan had to go, so it was just the rest of us, in Silas' car since it was pretty big it could fit all of us.

Jaxon, and Bryan had to go, so it was just the rest of us, in Silas' car since it was pretty big it could fit all of us

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(The car seating arrangement)

Luke sits right beside me, which leaves me trapped between two boys. "Elijah, can we switch seats please."

"No." He says with a harsh glare. Ugh. Luke was just staring at the window, while Elijah was I don't even know, prolly touching himself.

I sigh, as Elijah's knee makes contact with mine. I instantly freeze, I wasn't good when it came to physical touch and men.

I was staring straight ahead, as we pull up at our driveway. "Finally." I mumble under my breath, escaping the car.

I head straight to the front door and unlock it. I turn on the lights letting everyone inside.

"Alright we're going to arrange the sleeping thing." We all nod at Silas. "Okay, we'll all sleep at summer's room since she has a bigger, and cleaner room."

I froze. "What?!" I exclaim putting my hands on my hips. "Thanks sis," I just rolls my eyes groaning.

"So, Luke and Elliot will sleep next to each other, Elijah and me, Ace and harlowe, and Astrid and summer."

We all nod at him, as we head towards to my room. We set up the sleeping bags, and the sofa bed and finally lay down.

 We set up the sleeping bags, and the sofa bed and finally lay down

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(Their sleeping arrangement)

(Their sleeping arrangement)

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