T H I R T Y F O U R | P A R T 1

188 2 0

Song: Glitch
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

Song: GlitchArtist's Name: Taylor Swift_____________-🌼-

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"They're coming too?!"
I ask in disbelief. Silas just said that some of the football players were coming with us on vacation too.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." I just rolled my eyes in response, while getting onto the passenger side.


Twenty minutes later, well.. more of hours later.. were finally here in Los Angeles.

Mmm.. I can already smell the L.A air.

Silas gets my suitcase, as the rest of the football team follows. Well, I mean just Elijah, Elliot, Jaxon, ace, and Luke.

Silas said that Joshua and some other guy needed somewhere to be so..

We all walk to the end of the airport, where I spot a certain bald man. I drop my bags and run to him.

I wrap my legs around his waist, wrapping my self around him. He patted my back chuckling.

"I missed you so much, dad."
"I missed you too, sweetheart."

He kissed my forehead, before letting go. I flash him a smile before Silas greets him.

"Dad, these are my friends from football. This is Jaxon, Ace, Luke, Elliot, and Elijah."

"Hello, boys feel free to call me Gabriel." The boys smile at my dad's kindness. "Alright, let's head home."


Oh, just how I remembered it. Every year we went to La and we always stayed at dad's house.

It wasn't that big, but it could fit all of us. I think.. "Alright all I have to tell you is there are six bedrooms, you kids can handle who gets to sleep with who, but I don't want my girl sleeping with one of you perverts, if there is one okay."

We laugh at dad, entering the house. Just as I remembered it, black and white walls, and a modern interior and exterior.

"Alright, me and Luke will share a room, Elliot, ace, and jaxon will share a room, and that leaves us with.. summer and Elijah."

Silas glares at Elijah on the last part of the sentence. "No funny business." Silas says, making Elijah put his hands up in surrender.

"I won't." Silas rolls his eyes in response heading upstairs. Everyone was basically tired, since it was already nighttime.

Probably like ten thirty. We already had some dinner on the plane, so we didn't need to eat anymore.

I just wanna get some rest, it's been a long day.

Hey, I'm so sorry for the short chapter guys😭it's just that I have school tomorrow and my mom is making me sleep already😭, anyways TYSM

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Hey, I'm so sorry for the short chapter guys😭it's just that I have school tomorrow and my mom is making me sleep already😭, anyways TYSM. Love you!! I will update soon enough with a long chapter or a part two.

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