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Song: Never be the same
Artist's Name: Camilla Cabello

Song: Never be the sameArtist's Name: Camilla Cabello___________-🌼-

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"What the fuck are you doing with her."
He shouts slightly at Elliot. Elliot glares at him. "Chill. I was just comforting her."

"Why would she need shit." He grumbles. Elliot rolls his eyes, "Because of you." Elijah growls at him.

Things are getting serious... -ly hot!!

"Stop it." I butt in, glaring at Elijah. Elijah clenches his jaw, before dragging Elliot under the stairs.

Third Person POV
Elijah drags Elliot under the stairs fuming with rage. "Don't fucking lay a hand on her."

Elliot scoffs at him. "She's not your property, anyone could have her."

"Sure, anyone could have her but none of them deserves her but me. She's mine, all fucking mine. So back the fuck off or you'll return home with a broken nose."

Elliot laughs at him, "I deserve her more than you do." Elijah rolls his eyes, "Want a broken dick too?"

Elliot rolls his eyes walking away from him, as he returns to summer.

Summer's POV
The two appear int he light again after a few minutes. Questions flood my mind, what did they talk about?

Elliot heads over to me with a confused and angry look plastered on his face. "Summer.."

"Yeah..?" I answer raising an eyebrow. "Uhm.. we need to.. talk." I nod my head following him to a nearby room, as he shuts the door.

"So.. Elijah told me to not be around you or talk to you anymore so.. I'm sorry.. but we can't hang out anymore.."

He says sitting down scratching the e back of his neck. My eyes widen, "That fucker." I mumble getting up from the bed, and heading towards him.

"Wait- summer.. don't be mad at him, please. He'll just beat me up.." He says looking down.

"I'll handle him." I say my final words before marching towards him fuming.

"Elijah!!" I shout at him, as he looks down at me with a devious smirk. "What's up summer," He casually greets.

"Oh you know what's up." I say furiously. He chuckles, "Don't get to attached to him, he'll break your heart sooner or later."

"Sure, just like how you broke mine is it." He freezes, the smirk disappearing from his face.

He clenches his jaw looking away. "Drop it. It wasn't my fault." I scoff at him, "It wasn't your fault that you were such a dickhead to trick me into fake dating you, and breaking my heart?!"

"I said drop it." I roll my eyes at him. "Fuck you." I flip him off before walking away raging.

"Yeah, go ahead walk away that's what you do best isn't it?"
Oh, this asshole is gonna be served.

"Yeah, go ahead walk away that's what you do best isn't it?"Oh, this asshole is gonna be served

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