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Song: Close to me

Artist's Name: Ellie Goulding

Artist's Name: Ellie Goulding_________-💐-

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The voice calls out again, but I continue to run instead of looking back and stopping.

ms suddenly engulf me, I look up to see Silas. "Summer, tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing, Silas." I mumble trying to escape. "Summer. Who. Made. You. Cry." Another tear slips from my eye.

He suddenly tenses up. "Was it Elijah." I don't speak, instead I run off the the bathroom crying.

" I don't speak, instead I run off the the bathroom crying

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A hand slams on my locker. I snap my head to reveal Silas. He was furiously red.

"What." I question casually while chewing some gum. "Don't act fucking dumb with me."

I raise an eyebrow. "The fuck do you mean asshole." I say towering over
him, as he reaches my height.

The crowd was starting to form already. God, can these people ever mind their own fucking businesses?

"You're the reason my sister is fucking crying. You're the fucking asshole."

I tense up. She was crying? I scoff "Oc course she was." I roll my eyes, making him even more furious.

"Just fucking break up with her, if you won't fucking treat her the shit that she deserves."

"Who are you to tell me that." I shout back at him calmly. "Fucker." He mumbles, before punching my jaw.

A little voice shouts from afar. I snap my head to see summer heading towards us with tears in her eyes.

It broke my heart to see her crying because of me. But, I have to do this for me, for Inez. For us.

Our eyes lock, as hers widen and quickly look away. I roll my eyes throwing a punch at Silas too.

I throw multiple punches at him, before he gives up. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She shouts at me, coming to the rescue.

She shakes her head crying, as she helps Silas up, while taking a look at his wounds and bruises.

"Don't Fucking mess with me again."

A tear slips from my eye, as he turns around walking away

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A tear slips from my eye, as he turns around walking away. Was he really that cruel?

Really? Punching my brother? His friend..?

Silas rubs his jaw, looking around. "Break up with him." I gasp slightly. "N-No, Silas."

His gaze darkens. "I said break up with him." I tremble at his words, no I can't. I still need to get Kane back, and he needs to get.. Inez, back.

"I know he's hurt you, and me... But, I still believe he's just.. in a bad mood, he'll loosen up.."

I think.

I think

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