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Song: Daylight
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

Song: DaylightArtist's Name: Taylor Swift___________-🌼-

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"This one..?"
I nod, not even looking at the outfit. "SUMMER." She shouts at me. I slightly flinch my eyes gazing up at her.

"What," My eyes suddenly fixate on the dress. It was beautiful, Astrid held a white floral dress beside her.

"Summer, I'm nervous.."

I shake my head at her, standing up. "Don't. You're gonna be fine, you're beautiful Astrid."

She smiles at me tightly, "Oh reminds me I have to get ready for the tutoring session with Elijah."

She looks at me smirking. "Get some condoms too," She shouts at me from the bed.

"Fuck you Astrid." I hear her laughing. "Nevermind, I would love to be an aunt sum."

I huckle at her, putting on my furry jacket. I head to the closet, and get a pair of light brown open toed platform heels, and add some mascara and blush

 I head to the closet, and get a pair of light brown open toed platform heels, and add some mascara and blush

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(Summer's outfit)

"C'mon, let's walk to school." I nod at her, placing my jacket on my elbows, with a cream handbag.

We exit the front door, locking it while starting to walk towards the school. "My feet already hurt,"

"I regret walking in heels." I groan in pain, as Astrid chuckles. "Hey, I heard that Inez Jenkins is back,"

"Who's Inez?" I question. "You don't know who Inez is..?!" I sigh at her. "Right," She says slapping he forehead with her palm.

"She's the most popular, pretty, kind, and smart senior. She was known as the good girl, and.." She pauses to sigh.

"Elijah Moretti's ex girlfriend." My eyes widen, he had a girlfriend? "What the fuck. I didn't realize that fucker was even capable of having a girlfriend. I thought he's a one night stand guy,"

She shakes her head at me, adjusting her dress. "Inez, was the only girl that Elijah fell in love with. Elijah was head over heels for that girl, but she left because of her family. She's said that it was a family issue?! Well, anyways she left and still today, everyone knows that Elijah is still in love with her. No other girl will compare to her, will be her."

Her explanation left a hard pang on my chest. I guess all that was just nothing. He was just being his fuckboy attitude.

He's in love with Inez, still.

After Astrid telling me a whole movie about their love story, we finally reach the school.

Seven minutes late.

We sigh, catching our breath. I wipe my sweat, and enter the school doors. It was free period again, so Elijah had tutoring lessons.

Astrid walks with me to the library, when something makes us stop. There was a full crowd encircling someone.

We enter the crowd of students that were cheering 'fight' as we enter the very front, of the crowd.

We saw Elijah, a senior, and a girl. The girl was in between Elijah and the guy, she was clutching Elijah's arm.

It looked like they were gonna start a fight. "That's I-Inez.." Astrid mumbles enough for me to hear.

I freeze in place, that.. was.. her..?


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