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Song: The way I loved you
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

Song: The way I loved youArtist's Name: Taylor Swift____________-🌼-

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Harlowe questions. She snaps her head to her. "Oh, hi!!" We smile at her. "Didn't know you were gonna be here.."

"Oh.. well, Elijah brought me here." I only stare at her as she blabs about Elijah. Suddenly, she gets lifted up and spun in the air.

I furrow my eyebrows. Elijah..? I pictured me and him doing that just a month ago.
"Hey, baby."
I suddenly get lifted up and spun around the air by strong arms. "Elijah!!" I shout his name laughing.

Not realizing, me and Elijah were already staring at each other. I look away, focusing on harlowe and Astrid.

"I'll leave now babe, bye!!" Inez bids, kissing Elijah. "Bye." Elijah mumbles back, as Inez exits the house.

"Uhm.. me and Astrid will just be looking for uh.. condoms.. y-yeah.. condoms.. gotta use.. uh.. protection!!"

Astrid and harlowe grimace at me, hurriedly running away to apparently have sex.

I groan quietly, as I take a seat on the sofa. Elijah sits across from me. Oh fuck not again.

I look down fidgeting with my hands. "Summer." I look up to see Elijah already looking at me.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Summer, I'm sorry. Can we please just go back to normal? Like nothing ever happened between us?"

"No. Elijah. You broke my heart and things cannot go to normal anymore." He glares at me, his jaw clenching.

"It was all nothing summer. Just fucking forget about all that bullshit. It wasn't real anyways."

I can feel the tears reaching my eyes. It was nothing to him?! I slowly stand up, walking to the bathroom.

As I was walking to the bathroom, tears shed in my eyes. "Summer?" A voice calls out.

I look to my left to see Elliot. "Elliot.." I mumble walking to him. I hug him tightly, crying on his chest.

"It's fine, summer. Forget about him." I bang on his chest crying, in the middle of the hallway.

Oh fuck.

"Oh fuck

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