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Song: The Middle (Sped up)
Artist's Name: Zedd, Marren Morris, Grey

Song: The Middle (Sped up)Artist's Name: Zedd, Marren Morris, Grey_____________-💋-

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"What did you just say..?"
I shout turning around. He sneers at me, "You heard me." I rush to him. "You piece of donkey shit."

I shout at him, before slapping the living daylights out of him. "Ow.." He whines rubbing his red cheek.

"It better fucking hurt." I say glaring at him. He glares at me. "Fuck you crazy bitch."

I roll my eyes at him. "Fuck you dickhead." He scoffs at me before scoring back, "Fuck you hoe."

My eyes narrow even more, "Fuck you asshole for playing with me." He suddenly pins me to the wall leaning in.

"I didn't play with you. You fucking you what you were up for and you fucking agreed. So it's your fault."

I roll my eyes at him. "It's not my fault that you made me fall in love with you by acting like my real boyfriend." I shout back at him.

He smirks at me, "You knew I was a playboy. You knew I would just play you, why did you believe me? Are you seriously that dumb?"

"Well I guess I'm dumb to think that you would change for me." I mock tilting my head side to side.

He leans closer to me, his hand and body cornering me. "Why would I change for someone."

"People change for the people they love." He smirks at me. "You thought I loved you? Are you an idiot?"

I don't know but, why did that hurt like a bitch? It hurt worse than stepping on a Lego brick barefoot.. twice.

"Then I guess I'm an idiot." I say glaring at him. "I guess you are." He responds leaning even closer to the point that we were only an inch apart.

"Do you still love me?" He questions breathlessly. "I hate you." I whisper back. "Don't lie."
"I'm not."
"Just tell the truth."
"I hate you."
"That's not the truth."
"You still not happy?"
"Well, be happy because that's the truth I hate you."
"You don't."
"I do."
"No you don't."
"I fucking do."
"Stop putting that shit up."
"No, I hate you."
"You're lying."
"I mean it." — "I hate you." — "I fucking hate you." — "I hate you to death." — "I fucking hate yo—"
"Just shut up."
That was the last thing he said before crashing his lips onto mine. Fireworks bursted, and as cheesy as it sounds It felt so enchanting..

Okay.. ew.. I'm never saying that again.

I missed kissing him, but mostly I missed him. He rests his other arm on my waist, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss.

I get a familiar taste of his cherry lips again, my mouth hangs slightly open, and he takes the chance to slide his tongue in my mouth.

That felt good.

I don't know how, but his hand somehow ended up on my ass squeezing it slightly.

It made me moan a bit, but quietly of course.. since I don't want the others to hear.

We continue kissing, as I pull up his shirt, I strip it off him showcasing his beautiful abs and muscles.

My hand gripped his abs, touching every bicep, every inch of skin on him. "Hey guys do you wanna— OHHH EWW (Gagging sounds)."



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