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Song: One Last time
Artist's Name: Ariana Grande

Song: One Last timeArtist's Name: Ariana Grande__________-💐-

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"Summer, wait."
He gets ahold of my waist, and hugs me tightly to his chest. I banged on his chest hardly.

"No, please let go of me.." I whimper banging on his chest. "No. I won't let you go.."

I slowly relax onto his chest crying. "—Because, this is my goodbye.." I freeze at his words.

"I have to go back to Inez.. She's the girl, I love." I let him go staring at his eyes.

"Please, no. Please don't do this Elijah. Just One last time please I'll make it right I'll do everything just—"

"Summer," I sigh at him crying more. "Elijah, I don't care if you got her in your heart?! All I really care is ABOUT YOU WAKING UP UN MY ARMS."

"One. Last. Time."
I whimper to him, as he shakes his head at me sighing. "Summer, I love her."

He looks at me with pity, before walking off. I dried my tears, walking towards the bathroom.

God, I'm so pathetic right now. I really got played by him. I really got fucking played two fucking times?!

How pathetic can I even be?!

I feel myself choke on a sob, looking at my reflection, when I hear the bathroom door open and close.

Two girls suddenly appear beside me. They hug my side tightly. "Summer, it's fine. He's not worth it."

"I really did love him you know.."



I shout through the booming music, gulping down my eleventh beer bottle of the night.

We were currently dancing in Angelina's party. Angelina Price was the most popular senior.

She had pretty, dark brown fantasy box braids, beautiful back skin, pretty doe eyes, and full lips.

Not only was she pretty, but she was also kind and smart. A hand suddenly pulls my waist, and slams my body on a nearby wall.

The red lights shine on us, as I get a peak of his face. Wait is that...


His dirty blonde wavy hair had laid on top of his forehead, the red light reflecting on his icy blue eyes.

He looked down at me eagerly. "I've been  waiting for you two to break up.." He trails off leaning closer.

I was completely shocked by this, since he was usually the most quiet football player, and I've never really talked with him except for him rolling his eyes at me.

Wait that's not considered is it?

Wait, isn't he Elijah's friend?! I look up at him in curiosity, as I feel lights being shone onto us.

He suddenly tightens his grip on my waist, pulling me in for a passionate kiss.

But it wasn't the same. There weren't any fireworks, or sparks. It wasn't him. It wasn't Elijah Moretti.

He groans into my mouth, as I get ahold of his neck deepening the kiss. I didn't care if I was kissing Elliot. I just wanted to get Elijah off of my mind and finally feel somewhat happy and careless.

As he was moving his head kissing me, his hand landed on my ass. I felt the blush creeping onto my cheeks, as he pulls away.

He smirks at me, as I smile at him. "Wanna.. play some spin the bottle in the  library?"

I nod at him, as he gets ahold of my waist pulling me to his side, as we head upstairs to the library, where most of the people were.

They were playing spin the bottle. I then immediately froze, when I saw Inez and Elijah kissing passionately.

I could feel Elijah squeeze his hand to my side. They eventually stop and Elijah catches my gaze.

But he specifically looks on the hand wrapped around my waist. His jaw clenches, as I look around scanning the people.

Elijah, Inez, ace, harlowe, Astrid, Silas, Angelina, Allie, Bryan, and jaxon.

I sit beside Astrid, as Elliot sits beside me. "You're already starting without us?" I question chuckling.

Angelina chuckles at me. "Alright, it's.. Astrid's turn now." She spins the bottle anxiously.

Spin, spin, spin.. anddd... Jaxon. Jaxon eagerly  crawls to her, grasping her waist.

With that, he kissed her passionately. A few seconds pass, and Astrid pushes him.

She wipes her mouth with her hand, as Silas glares at him. "She's a good kisser." He mumbles chuckling.

Astrid only looks down fidgeting with her hands. "Alrightyy.. next to Astrid is.. Summer."

I spin the bottle. Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin... Spin and... It landed on between.

"Elliot or... Elijah..?"


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